Update from beyond the boredom!

Nov 25, 2005 23:00

Ok - so here's whats going on at the moment.
1. Big screen TV...not like, hey look there's a 30 inch TV, its kinda big. No 52 inches of sweet sweet goodness, HD ready all in time for the X-box 360 mmmmmm...smell that? smells like victory! VICTORY FOR KYLE!
2. So I think that I'll go far in chater, i need to get my "stat's" (what we are measured by) up above normal and then I'll probably be promoted very shortly afterwards. I would say in 9-12 months I should be a supervisor.
Thats it material wise, nothing else much has changed. Moved in with jeremy at the house he bought, beefed up my computer a bit, not much else to it.

But I turned 21 the other day, I'm not going to go into alot of detail because it would take hours hehe :). For the record, no drinks were consumed during the 21st of Kyle's birthday, well at least not by me - they more than made up for me not drinking. ALthought I did taste some stuff - and bahama mama's taste good :). Went to the casino and gambled a bit :). Walked in with 60 bucks, walked out with 60.01 :) Oh yeah, i'm cool!.

And thats all fine and dandy - but for some reason I keep thinking of Jessie. I dont know why - I just do. I miss her still, and it hurts. I've lost the will to look for someone again, I dont want to do anything but lay around in bed and just stare at the light. It doesnt help that every time I turn on the radio i hear some sappy love song. I thought I was past this shit. Its retarded, I know better. I just want someone and waiting for it is killing me, but I dont have the will to look for it, so I'm pretty much damned if I do damned if I dont. I have been tempted to see what she has been up to, just to talk to her - but that would be a bad thing, and I know it. Neither of us would come out ahead in that situation, so I best just avoid it. Its not just the want of Jessie that is laying me low, its the want for someone again - and since Jessie is the only person I have had that with, she's the one I think about. It dawned on me, its been over a year a god damn YEAR since I've even so muched as kissed a girl. The thought of it still sounds...weird - like the only one I should feel that way and do those things with is her. Sure there are distractions, like Samantha - but nothing ever came of that. She is still with her boy-friend, and I've lost the will to chase anyone. So she has stopped being chased. I just wish this shit would end, that I would even begin to know where to start to find a girl for me. I mean really - lets go down the options of common places to hook up.

1. Bar - I dont want a girl that drinks to often, so I would have to find a girl who is there just to hang out with her friends kind of like I'm going to just hang out with my friends, chances? 1/1000000
2. IUS - **warning, shallow content ahead** I've went to IUS, and all the girls who have anything remotely in common with me looks like they got beat with an ugly stick, pass :(.
3. Dance clubs - yes, lets substitute drunks with whores! again, pass.
4. Work - The girls who come into charter are my only true place to find any hope at all. and there's a saying at work, once you start work at charter, if you are a female, they beat you in the face with a plank. There's a bunch of girls with SMOKIN bodies, and a face that could stop a train, a shame really. Yes its shallow, but most of them have kids to :(.

Yeah well, I cant think of anything to type, and if possible I have managed to make myself even more depressed. I'm going to go read a book now.

-Kyle Out

"The most difficult thing that you can do is to watch the person you love love someone else."
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