Blaaargh and also Homestuck and also PEOPLE!

Oct 27, 2012 00:27

So, tried the whole schedule thing my brainpoker tried to get me onto yesterday for today.


Yeah. /o\ That was not so much with the working. Siiigh.

Homestuck! It continues to be excellent at the moment, which is very nice!

But, actually I downloaded a new album tonight (I say new it's 3 years old but I haven't had it before etc etc) and there's one song on it that on the first listen to made me go !! HEY THIS WOULD BE GREAT as one of those lyric illustration things? You know what I mean, right? Yeah. Homestuck one, obviously. Anyway, for once I actually wrote down all the idea on a copy of the lyrics and everything, yay!

I am kind of stymied by the fact that my drawing sucks majorly, though. =/ So I thought OH HEY MAYBE CANON SCREENCAPS? Which Iono would be any good and I haven't decided about that but ANYWAY I found this YouTube version of [S] Cascade, which has a link to a torrent of a download of THE ORIGINAL FILES in the uploader's comment box. \o/

I have tried to download said files several times from the site itself and ABJECT FAILURE so yes. [S] Cascade! For all your viewing pleasure WITHOUT HAVING TO DOWNLOAD IT EVERY FUCKING TIME gaaah. *does a dance*

...more than half the reason I want a physical copy/digital download of Homestuck when it's done is so I don't have to keep redownloading the flash files. I will be perfectly honest about that.

ALSO ALSO ALSO this is SUPER AWESOME! I am going to meet
kunenk tomorrow! :D We are going to have lunch, yesss. (Did you know this is only the second time I've met someone from the internet in my very own city? And the first time they've been a person that doesn't actually live here? It is! More people should come visit, my city is awesome. ...even if I think coming down for a single day is a bit uh. Yeah. When it involves planes, anyway.) Anyway it is a little bit nervewracking but also it is AWESOME!! Yes. :D

[EDIT] SO I JUST CHECKED TUMBLES BEFORE BED, but obviously it's down, because I go the We're Sorry blah blah blah message. Anyway, there's a click here for reasons link, so I clicked that and a new window popped up... with the same error message. *CACKLES*

[personal], tech//misc, webcomics, my friends are both kinds of crazy, awesome, stupid brain

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