Didn't even get up until... well, about twelve hours ago. So yeah.
Appointment was... fine? Not impressive, exactly, but maybe it'll help. I'm not really feeling a click or anything, but on the upside she might be able to get me to not have to apply for jobs while we work on brainfail, so. That would be. Really, really nice.
GOT POKEMON! Black 2! :D
The 'commemorative coin' is kinda silly looking, but hey, I'll keep it. I like merch. Dunno what I'm gonna do with it, but you know. Haven't actually started yet - blah blah blah brains and reasons and also I got tripped up for a while trying to decide what gender and name I'd be, but I've got that sorted out so I'm gonna play for a bit in bed before sleep, I think.
Note! There's a thing I saw on tumbles, how if you press start+select when you boot up a DS game on the 3DS, it gives you the game in the same resolution as the DS has, rather than stretching it out. This is true! What is also true: the same resolution on the 3DS is much smaller, in realspace measures, than fullscreen on the DS. So if you want to play on the 3DS, you have a choice between stretched and fuzzy (not a good option for me, gives me headaches), and really tiny (also not a good option, because it's hard to read). If your eyes are better than me option 2's probably just fine! But everything I see is already shrunk a fuckton, because this is how glasses work, so. =/
Got out my Zelda DS, rather than the Zelda 3DS, heh. I like the 3DS because of the silly little streetpass games, but honestly the DS is probably better anyway. Batteryyyy. Etc.
Hopefully my not fully finishing Black won't be a bad thing, here! I. Should do that. (I blame the pokémon dream world for this, honestly. It gives me a daily dose of mmmm pokémon~~ without me. You know. Actually playing. ^^;;;)
lizcommotion, sorry I missed your pings! :( I shoulda put up an 'kinda here but super distracted and iChat is bugging out on sound again' away message. My apologies! I will try and remember next time.