
Oct 09, 2012 00:16

Flargh. So tired. Whyyyy. Well, slept like crap again, but. *makes faces*

Appointment this morning, another one tomorrow (10am whyyy that's pretty much still 9am in my brains argh). Didn't do much, though I have started on my knitting again, which is nice. About half a ball left, I think, so I *hope* I'll get it done tomorrow. (I want to get it done and get more wool so I can start making Christmas presents, sigh. Have vague plans for Mama (a certain scarf, if I have the skill/time - I definitely need someone to explain the pattern to me, and of course I can't ask her like I normally would - or a different one if I don't), my father (socks), and one auntie (a scarf or a shawl, depends on what wool I find I think she'll like). Sibling wouldn't, I think, appreciate anything I have the time/skill to make. (Sibling is not big on handknits.) Just have *no idea* what to make for my Grandma; she doesn't really wear scarves or hats or shawls or handwarmers or anything. Socks, maybe? I don't know...

Still working on the Re:coded novel. It's making me want to replay the game REALLY BADLY. :x (Also wow, Sora, you're. Um. Well, kind of insane by real world standards. *patpatpat* Doesn't really get anything, but okay voice in my head, let's do what you say!)

kh//re:coded, [personal], making things, kh//novels, kh

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