Jun 23, 2012 00:16
Best day. Best. Can sleep in tomorrow! \o/
Also I finished Machine of Death today. It's interesting! I'm not sure if I like it, as a whole? I like some stories more than others, of course, but on the whole I'm not sure I like it. But it's interesting. So yeah. If you're into pop-culture inspired musings on philosophy, I'd definitely pick it up, otherwise Iono if I'd recommend it. I think you can get the .pdf legally for the low, low price of absolutely nothing, though, so there's nothing to stop you poking it if you feel in the least interested, though.
I feel like I want to go to bed, but I also feel like I should stay up long enough to say hi to my parents; I haven't seen them since I left for work this morning, since they uh. Haven't come home yet.
...yeah, even my parents, who have like a dozen friends between them, at best, have more of a social life than I do. ^^;;;
reaction post//first round