So, I was... three and a half rows away from the end of the scarf, when Mama came home early. *facepalm* Wasn't even in my room, so hiding it was a bit of a nerve-wracker, but I managed. Then had to wait 'till she went to bed to finish it.
It's... long. Really quite long. Still, not unmanageably long, I think? We'll see. Haven't cut any, just wove it all in, so I'll see if she wants me to trim it down any, or add any, or whatever, should be easy to do.
One thing I have noticed, though, is knitting is cruel to my right wrist. Typing, I get arm pain, shoulder pain, sometimes. Trying to manage it, but I'm kind of crap at it thus far. But knitting gives my wrist pain. =/ It's the bit where you have to rotate your wrist, clearly! Not sure how to not do that, though; might just be that knitting all day for days on end is bad for Tygers. Which, okay, can do. I have many, many hobbies. (They just all use my hands and arms, aaargh. *sigh*)
I started 雨, too. Didn't too far, because was stupid and did it AFTER my pageaday bit, so brain was all NOOOO MOOOORE KANJIIIII. =/ Clearly this is a thing to read when my mind is FRESH! >:
Also, gots me a ravelry, finally.
academicgamer; ended up with that because I've been posting all of my knitting pictures to -babble, anyway. Should post up my projects thus far there, too. Maybe. I dunno. Something!