Shopping, and FFXIII-2

Feb 05, 2012 02:47

So, today I went shopping with Mama. She bought me some clothes so that I now almost have a professional worky outfit. Don't have a jacket yet; the only one I saw I liked was too long in the arms (and a smaller one would've been too tight around my chest, because as much society likes to say that big boobs are the best, they don't make clothes for them. And I don't wear my binders every day. :|)

I also got some stuff for me! Like SPARKLY SOCKS and a hairbrush! And also I got FFXIII-2! Which I got for Christmas as a preorder, but, you know.

It's... I'm not sure! I haven't played much yet, but some of the things are really. Uh. QUESTIONABLE. The director ISN'T NOMURA, though, so uh. HMMM. It might end up being really good! But if the six character cards in the box are the six main characters, the main party dynamics have gone from 3:3 f:m, and 1/6 male non-racially-marked adult to 2:4 and 4/6 respectively, so uh. :| Noooot looking up.

Also, a fridging in the opening cutscene! And Serah's outfit randomly changing though at least she's going WTF!? in character. (ALSO LIGHTNING'S OUTFIT feathery buttcape wtfffff, and also why has she gone from practical warrior-wear to useless formal armour? SHE'S CLEARLY EXPECTING TROUBLE, so uh.) Also the conversation options are driving me insane, because clearly they influence SOMETHING, and I DON'T KNOW WHAT, and also the autosave means that if you fuck it up you can't go back and fix it. :|

On the upside: TIME TRAVEL and MOOGLES. They always make things more interesting! Though uh. Tanuki-moogle? Kind of fantastic, but also kind of what.

The rest I'm currently undecided about. ...though I'll be sad if hero dude's blue doesn't mean to signify he has some sort of connection with Fang. It's the same colour, and looks like the same fabric! YES I NOTICE THAT.'s one of the reasons a lot of cosplay photos leave me cold, even when they're quite well done. THAT IS CLEARLY THE WRONG FABRIC. Cotton might be cheap, but it looks completely different to ...pretty much everything. /super super bitchily picky.

In conclusion: We'll see! Also: NEEDS MOAR FANG, but uh. There's no guarantee she'll show up - though I'll be disappointed if we don't see all of the original crew, and I'll be Especially Pissed if there's no Sazh - so. You know. But also even if a game was just Fang running around being fantastic and killing shit it might still need MOAR FANG, so uh. Yeah. Bias, I have it!

[personal], final fantasy, games

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