I finished up my conclusion today (I think? I hope it's okay. I'll give it a reread tomorrow, but you know), and thought oh hey! I'm done with the stuff I need to hand in Monday. BUT NO. I only thought I'd finished the conclusion. To which: FFFFFFF. I got a little of it done, but mostly this evening I did some of my homework (also for Monday), which I was going to do tomorrow, because SO SICK OF EDITING. It's a long chapter, this week, too, which JUST FIGURES. Gnarh.
So, have to do that tomorrow.
ANYWAY. I've been thinking about Things I Want To Do When I'm Done With Thesis, which still feels like forever away, but you know, actually isn't.
I'm feeling like. Zero enthusiasm for NaNo, at the moment. Which, I'm sure I'll be better once I'm out of Editing Hell? But right now ffff DNW. Plan is currently to just write up the silly wish-fulfilment One Piece 'verse me'n Az've been playing with (she doesn't mind!); my creative energy is at rock-bottom (getting the weekly
kh_100 drabbles has been tough, even!), and the start of that's more or less plotted, but will take many many words, which makes it pretty easy to write. (And if I feel like changing things on the way it's not like it's hard to babble at Az about it. Er. It's harder not to, really.)
So that's the current NaNo plan. Hopefully I'll go !! writiiiing~~~ <3<3 after I'm done with thesis, but even if I don't I should get to 50K, at least? (It's really weird not to be writing KH fic, though. >: You are still the fandom of my heaaaart, KH~ I actually don't have a real urge to read OP fic - though large amounts, of which there are apparently none, of Shanks/Mihawk could possibly convince me otherwise - but we've made a fun, completely ridiculous OP AU, so. Yeah.)
Also I want to seriously start doing some translation. KH novels, because a) I have them, and b) I want to! But I want to make myself accountable (at least to myself) if I don't do some every day. I'm thinking of making a comm or something
pageaday (
page_a_day?), maybe (though I'd feel kind of guilty snagging such an awesome comm name just for myself... oh! Apparently
page_a_day is actually a thing! Hmm. I guess I could snag
pageaday for myself then... but then there's the problem of people getting confused. =/ FFFF. GUYS WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Anyway, like the title implies, it'd be me making myself accountable for translating at least a page of book every day. Which isn't all that much, given the KH novels! (IF they were actually 'literature' that's a lot, but also doable. I'd just be more likely to give up in disgust, haha. But generally speaking a page of KH novels isn't that much, and the language isn't too difficult. But anyway, I'd post the daily translations that day, for proof sort of thing, but those'd be locked, because uh: first pass translations, OFTEN PRETTY BAD, and sometimes covered in things like ??????. Which, you know, happens, but I'd want to make sure the people who saw it were people who wanted to see it. (Thus, comm: less work for me, because I wouldn't have to mess around with filters and things - yeah I know I never post things locked anyway BUT WHAT IF I DID I don't want potential people here only for translations reading... whatever I locked up. I don't know. Also less anxiety for people who want to read but don't feel up to talking to me, which I totally understand; people are terrifying. But if you can just click the join the comm button it's at least not as bad, yes? Yes. Polished up chapter posts would be public, so if that's all you wanted you could just watch the comm, not join! Also: would not be clogged by stupid posts like this.)
And hey, probably no one much would be interested - if you play google hide and seek you can find translations of a lot of them - but at least pretending there're people reading helps make me do things (see also: these daily posts, aha), so I think it'd be valuable.
ALSO I'm not sure what series to start with. I'd go 358/2 Days, but I've actually read the first two books, so there's no ~secret surprises~ in there which are always pretty fun the first time 'round, so~ |D SO OBVIOUSLY IT'S POLL TIME. (No BbS because I AM SO SICK OF BbS, no Re:coded because I don't have it yet.)
And now a poll! Which'll make minimal sense if you didn't read the tl;dr section directly above.
View poll: Dorky translation comm crowd-sourcing questions are a go!