
Oct 01, 2011 00:35

Got my thesis compiled and emailed! \o/ *dance*

Managed to get that done by like. Four. So I spent the rest of the day failing at Katamari (no really. I love it, but I suck. PERSEVERANCE WILL GIVE ME SKILLS, I'M SURE), dorking with Azy, eating ridiculous amounts of M&Ms, and watching/sorting One Piece eps - whoever uploaded them to the place I downloaded from had labelling fail, so I despite having everything via file name, there're doubles and missing eps all over the place, arrgh. /o\ And what the fuck can you do, but deal, right? So, making notes of missings, deleting doubles, and relabelling mislabelled eps. NOT AS MUCH OF A HARDSHIP AS IT SOUNDS, let me assure you. |D

Also did some knitting! Switched to smaller needles ALL BY MYSELF WITHOUT ASKING ANYONE FOR HELP, which is kind of a big thing, for me. Also fixed something when I fucked it up! I don't know if I fixed it the right way, but. It works. I'm gonna be happy with that. And I made butter chicken for dinner, yay!

ALSO. I never really got the Caramelldamsen meme back when it was super popular, but I think that's just 'cause the ones I saw were kind of boring. Azy linked me to this One Piece one this evening, though, and AAAAAH. *_________* It is SO SHINY. I figured out how to download youtube videos for it. It's now my most-watched video file in iTunes! (Which isn't that big; the previous best was only eight times. BUT STILL.) And I won't say any more, because spoilers. YES, IT'S A CARAMELLDAMSEN VID THAT CAN BE SPOILED. |D~!!!!

ALSO ALSO, I forgot to link last night, but I did another fanart rec post. OXIII (entire group) this time, poke it if you like.

kh: art, [personal], thesis, why was this tag nonexistant, one piece, win, making things, games, awesome, rec

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