Did all the easy edits today. Tomorrow will either be the hard edits or starting to write the intro, haven't decided yet. Since the hard edits will be easier once I have a framework, and the framework will be in the intro... ¬¬;
Also started reading One Piece, because I promised
azremodehar I would. I've read the first three volumes, which I already read years ago, so it's more canon-review so far. (And, like the first time, not too impressed. Apparently there's a tipping point where it goes from meh to zomgawesome, though, so. Waiting for that.)
27 - Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?
I really don't care? As long as I'm comfortable. Though there's something awesomely decadent about writing in bed... but that's really true of anything on the computer in bed. *snerk* I can't do that at home, though; it's not safe for my laptop up there. And yeah, I write on my laptop. In Scrivener, even, except for like. One sentence fics. Those get written directly into comment boxes.