So I somehow managed to make things work and send the draft in by mid-afternoon. Stunning, but fantastic! (I also did a wordcount. I'm at ~14.7K. For a 15K thesis. /o\ Gonna have to cut things; I still haven't written my intro and conclusion. Fff.)
Soooo I took the rest of the day off, because uh. Yesterday was bad, and I need the destressing. Have mainly dorked out on tumblr (
getoutoftherecat is pretty fantastic) and played pokémon.
I caught three new pokémon today, for my main team, and I think it means I need to update
that meme I did in... fuck, March. (I've mainly only been playing pokémon on the bus to and from uni. It's very, very slow going, but it's steady, at least.)
lass, ♀
"The power of STUDY
is awesome!"
zebstrika, ♂
impish, lv. 55
highly curious
sassy, lv. 55
proud of its power
zoroark, ♂
impish, lv. 55
thoroughly cunning
deino, ♀
careful, lv. 43
somewhat vain
timid, lv. 42
somewhat of a clown
timid, lv. 42
very finicky
Not so lucky about natures/personalities this time, but. ^________________^ Obviously I need a Roxas now, but I can't for the life of me think of a pokémon he'd be! (This is why he's human in the pokémon AU!) If anyone has any ideas, let me know?
I need to level, both the new babies (obviously) and the older - I'm up to Victory Road, and fff I need levelling a LOT. The new exp system DOES NOT HELP I'm just saying. It's cool in the abstract but damnit I like over-levelling THIS IS HOW I SURVIVE, OKAY. Nargh. (Also the fact that all three of my new ones are on the 'omg whyyyyy' side of level-up length. Trade offs for awesome, yes they do exist.
21 - Sequels - Have you ever written a sequel to a fic you wrote, and if so, why, and if not, how do you feel about sequels?
I... don't think I've actually written a sequal to my own fic, yet. (Might be wrong, my memory is. Not fantastic.) Unless the second bit of the asexual!Isa 'verse counts, but I'm not sure it does. Sequels can be fine, in any case, if there's still something to be going on with. Is why I'm theoretically writing a sequel to the 'mancer-verse fic. (Fffff so many fics to finish. MAYBE I SHOULD DEVOTE A NANO TO THAT, THIS YEAR. 50K won't finish everything up - ahahahaha no - but it should at least finish some things. That'd be nice.)
...and I say 'a' NaNo because I kind of want to do. Um. Well see I broke 120K last year! So I'm definitely going to do two again this year. But maybe three. 150K would be. Kind of epic, you know? The third will probably be not-fic-but-still-related; not sure what. Maybe translation, but I'm also interested to see how many words of RP I write in a month. ¬¬; Four NaNos would just be stupid, though, right? Right?