I am apparently a responsible adult!
Went to the dentist's today, utterly without prompting from anyone. It was. Well. Ow. Not so much the literal ow, though a bit. But I needed a (deep!) filling, so they gave me anaesthetic, which is. Well, having had a filling without anaesthetic I can say I never want to go through that again, so.
I'm glad that I could get everything done in the one appointment - tiny x-rays, for my wisdom teeth (don't need coming out yet, but if my teeth start aching come back asap just in case), as well as the filling. Which I knew I needed, and I didn't need any more! \o/ Which makes me happy, I am. Well, my teeth have never been good. Still, haven't lost one yet! By the time she was my age Mama had her dentures, so. (Upper only, but still!) Remember: need to go back in six months.
In celebration, I came home and didn't worry about work. Which, it was a late appointment so it wasn't more than a few hours off, but you know. Happiness. (Didn't get much work done today, but managed to get some done, and not be full of stress-anxiety, so! Progress.) And then I played KH FM+ and started eating my last Easter egg (well, bunny). Didn't get it all - 200 grams of chocolate is too much for one sitting even for me, but. Mmmmm.
Anyway, KH FM+ notes!
Hiii Demyyyyx~ We seeeee yooou.
DEMYX YOU SPEAK TOO FAST I can't read the subtitles. That was NOT literally "Run, run away," though. Started with 俺たち, I think. HMM.
Yes, Donald, Goofy. I agree it's probably a trap. I WANT TO POKE IT ANYWAY. Saving first, though, not DUMB. ...awww, it won't let me. :(
Hades you are still fantastic. <3
"Come out" and "どこだ" (Where are you) - PRETTY BIG DIFFERENCE, TRANSLATORS. Also I'm pretty sure I haven't said, but I really like how you get the area-name in Japanese with an English subtitle. I wonder if that was there in the original game.
Pete you are also fantastic. <3 Also, still haven't played FFX, so still don't know much about Auron. ...though his attacks have a surprisingly large amount of pink petals for such a manly-acting guy. Yay trope subversion!
...I love it how you just magically know everyone's name. And by love it I mean think it's the laziest worldbuilding ever. Though AT LEAST IN THIS CASE he does end up introducing himself. (Poor Jiminy gets forgotten. D:)
SORA YOU HAVE A GIANT KEY you moron how did you not notice the lock in the first place? Though YAY GIANT PUPPY FIGHT. :D :D :D ...this is really making me want to go back to that Roxas somehow survives being eaten by Sora but loses all his memories and goes travelling with Sora-Donald-Goofy to get them back fic I wrote for NaNo in... 2008? Or 2007, can't remember. ¬¬;;;; He fucking LOVED the puppy fight.
...where did the floor go, anyway? Oo;
Hercules: *facepalm* Why is my horse so dumb?
HI AGAIN DEMYX. Oh you and your notecards.
ALSO YOU AND SORA ????ing at each other: fantastic. Also, being all pouty that your clones are dead? OH DEMYX. <3
...wait what you're back again Demyx? I AM PRETTY SURE THIS IS NEW. ....oh you're telling us about the Absent Silhouettes? WHY DO YOU KNOW THIS, DEMYX. NO SERIOUSLY. IS THIS WHAT YOU'RE INTERESTED IN, WORK-WISE OR SOMETHING? (Did you make those things in the final Xion fight - OH MAN, DEMYX, MASTER ENGINEER. FFF HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE.) Also awww, Demyx considers Roxas the real one :D :D :D.
...ahahaha Demyx you made Sora forget all about Meg. SORA YOU ARE NOT TOO BRIGHT I SWEAR.
You do 'thug' so well, Hercules. I kind of miss small, dorky you.
Though I admit the translators did a fantastic job with getting the original dialects of the Disney characters right.
Stop EMOING, Hercules! *rolls eyes*
HI MALIFECENT. |D (What do you MEAN they think there're more important things the ME!?)
MINNIIIIIE~! :D :D :D ...she's so used to having people around she's never needed independence, I think. It's not that she can't, just that it's new to her.
AND NOW I TRY THE ABSENT SILHOUETTE BATTLE! (Given the timing, I bet the Demyx/Zexion shippers have something about one of them ~*~protecting~*~ the other or something. I choose to take it as Zexion won't even bother looking at you if you can't even beat Demyx.)
...huh. Lost, but mainly because of that ;ajal;g WORLD INSIDE BOOKS thing, goddam illusions. I think I can definitely beat it, though I'll do a bit more levelling before I try again. I have the time, so.
Also! A thing from yesterday I forgot!
Siblings not'SO: He's [Matt Smith's] the best Doctor since David Tenant!
Me: ...he's the only Doctor since David Tenant.
...and Sibling, who is new to the whole Doctor Who thing, pretty much goes a;lksgjlak seriously ahahahaha. (Sibling is really really new! I had to explain to that no, 11 isn't another reboot! It's still the same series! Sibling's not'SO is. Not exactly helping clear things up.)
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
I... tend more towards metal, I guess? A tiny bit? But really, if I'm actually furious I don't even remember to put music on in the first place. I just want to tear someone apart. (I am not a nice person when angry. I'm really, really not. Luckily I don't get angry too often.)