But given how long those have been getting I figured two posts today would be fine.
1. Have written TWELVE
fic_promptly fics this 24-hour period! *boogies* Will try to write some more, I think, too.
2. Pictures! I promised them and then here they are.
First, my hakama. Most of the pictures came out REALLY SHIT, and I mean even compared to this one, which is kind of okay but also pretty shit:
But that's the sort of subtle pattern that it has. Also the red is very very slightly sparkly. (And the white isn't there. I have no idea where that came from.)
Also, I got sake cups yesterday! Just three, and they are cheap, second-hand and mismatched, but I like them.
And then on Tuesday I got these. Mainly to taunt Azy and Lars, but also they are DELICIOUS. :D Raspberry and cream flavoured!
...and then I kind of did a photoshoot. Here are some of the better ones.
3. Tumbler! Err. Tumblr. I'm sorry I hate spelling words wrong on purpose. ¬¬;
Anyway, it looks super-confusing and annoying, but then I found out a friend of my friends (who I have met and is awesome, I just don't know her well at all) actually works for them, so, you know. It would be a small way to support her job, which is good! So I am thinking about it.
But then even the sign up page is a mass of confusion, so. Uh. @___@
So, what do you think? Do you have one? Would you read mine? Is it worth not having to make a new feed on Dreamwidth every time I find one I like? And most importantly, a POLL re: should I persevere and get one?
View poll: #7364