Jun 17, 2011 23:08


Hardly took me any time, actually. I just kind of said fuckit to the tiny bit of levelling I had left, and beat Ansem. Who was. WELL I KILLED HIM THE FIRST TIME and okay I was worried about my HP but this is because it's Riku, and Riku doesn't get cures. SO YAY! :D:D:D Yay yay yay never have to play it agaaaain. ALSO MICKEY IS STILL THE CUTEST and fff Mickey + Riku fic! I wants it! I wants it THIS MUCH. (I... would probably even ship it. I mean, I hate to break Mickey and Minnie up - and Sora/Riku/Kairi BUT STILL. But their Epic Friendship is so very much the draw, so! |D)

And the bit with Roxas in Twilight Town right at the end was kind of. =/ Not so good. A bit with the creepy!
...also I find it weird that they don't have Roxas in his Coat. I mean. I could see why when they hadn't released KH II, but this is Re:CoM that was released with Final Mix +. They already had the frickin' model! Which was really underused in KH II anyway!

So the Axel and Roxas BFFs in Twilight Town bit was kind of ...uhhhhh. Maybe it's Roxas' First Day. He doesn't even remember that when his head wasn't fucked with, so that's actually a possibility. Though a little timeline what timeline, but, well. NOMURA.

Level 64, 14:55. Made it under 15 hours! .o/ 62 save files for both sides of the game all up NO I AM NOT KIDDING. Never have to play it again.

And then - well no. This started before that.
Okay, so. You might remember how I've mentioned how there's been a layout tute going on over at
style_system? It's not happened the past few weeks BUT it's what started this. This, then reading stuff during 3WFDW, and doing tutes and hey I was failing hardcore at bits but others weren't that hard and. Well. My stupid brain latched on to this layout idea that is somewhat related to a layout I did years ago on LJ, and. And. IT WON'T GO AWAY.

And it's not just a single layout, no. No, that would be too easy. I could find some way to make it work (or not make it work) and then it would be done. BUT NO. My brain does not want a single layout! It wants to make a base layout.

But hey, I figured,
style_system tutes, can poke it once or twice a week and it'll work or it won't and I'll finish it or I'll run out of steam and it'll be fine.
Yeah, so, you remember how I mentioned the tutes haven't been running the past few weeks?

Guess what I did this evening! I made mockups. I don't know if this is even POSSIBLE - it'd involve differentiating between four types of three-column layout and as far as I know there's only three - but hey! I made mockups! I.


But hey, here they are. Tell me what you think! They're VERY VERY BASIC - there's probably be headers and footers below the banner and at the bottom of posts, and a whole lot of shiny things I haven't even thought of yet - but. Hey. Basic idea.
Oranges are sidebars, blue header/banner image, purple posts.

Two column:

Pretty simple! Not entirely different to what I use now! Nice, but probably not making an entire new theme for.

Three column:

But this! This is kind of shiny, says brain. Differing heights! HAVE NOT SEEN THAT BEFORE, at least not that I remember! And it's so changeable!
I don't even know if that's possible, says the rest of me.
BUT WHAT IF IT WAS! :D:D:D It's not like you'll know until you try.

Aaaand that is how you end up losing arguments with yourself, agjl;sdjlgjs

So, what'cha think? Cool? Not cool? Tyger you have a fucking thesis why are you even considering learning how to code? Yeah, I don't know either.

Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.

[Pokémon Crystal]

Yeah, Pokémon. There's no other game that I've played over and over, in essence, and kept coming back both not expecting it to improve or get shinier, and not caring if it does or not. I own ten main series games - it was eleven, but Madb hadn't ever played pokémon before so I gave her my copy of Saphire; it'd only had ~15 hours on it so far. Still have my team archived on Emerald - and love every one. I've logged nearly 275 hours on Diamond and I'm still not done; given that I've probably played over 1000 hours of this goddamn (stupid, wonderful, repetitive, fantastic) series, and while I haven't been playing Black as fast as I'd like that's all to do with me, and my distractions and my life, not my love for the game itself.

Crystal in particular because I love Johto the best, it was the first game you could choose female MC, and I like the revised Suicine plot a lot. Also, spriteart, though Gen III was best for that.

And that's the end of that meme! D:

I found a KH meme - of course I did - but I don't want to do that next, let's break up the video games babble a bit, hey? So I'm thinking writing or music, from the memes I've seen, but hey, you know me. Poll time! :D

View poll: Next daily meme?

...and this entry is long like a giant thing, so I will stfu now. ^^;

[personal], reaction post: replay, coding, meme: daily, ramble, stupid brain, pokémon, kh: com/re-com, poll, damn you nomura, done!

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