• BBS was supposed to come out today! I went down to EB before class to get it, but it hadn't fucking come in yet. FAIL, EB, FAAAAAAIL. Not happy. Sure, I was planning on lending my copy straight to Anne, but I WANT MY ART BOOK DAMNIT.
• IN THAT VEIN, for people who got it, some tips (keep in mind I've only played in Proud Mode):
- INSTALL THE GAME ON THE PSP. ALL OF IT. This game has SO MUCH FUCKING LOAD-RELATED LAG FFFFFF. It seems like it really doesn't do much, when you first instal it, but even fractions of a second off each cut will drastically reduce your playtime.
I am not even kidding.
- for fuck's sake, level the first chance you get. You'll get your assed kicked by EVERYTHING EVER when you're at level 1. Which makes sense! But. Yes.
- relatedly, LEVEL YOUR WEAPONS. Keep making new ones. USE ITEMS ON THEM - you'll get more than you'll ever need - so you keep getting new abilities. Keep trying to make new stuff, you'll find a lot of things in chests, sure, but it's usually easier to just make it yourself. (Well, for the more common ones. There's a couple of hard ones I'm SO GLAD were in chests, but. I digress.)
- the ice-cream mini game really is evil incarnate, it's not just you.
...I can't think of anything else right now, but if you have a question feel free to ask.
• Tangentially relatedly,
azremodehar linked me to
this, which is just the cutest thing ever! Axel! As a fox! His fur is SO RUFFABLE! Eeeee.
If anyone knows the artist, please let me knoooow~~
• Speaking of games and cute fuzzy things, I've been really getting into pokémon lately!
- I have all the éons except Vaporeon at ~l. 60 in Heart Gold (because getting a water stone is a COMPLETE BITCH in EVERY GAME EVER wtf. More pokémon evolve via water stone than ANY OTHER STONE, so of COURSE they're hard to get. Fffffff.)
- I CAUGHT ENTEI THAT MOTHERFUCKER EEEEE. (I am tempted to go fuckit and name him Axel and actually use him in battle, which isn't something I've done since first gen. Because I love articuno and mew. Um.
- Which means I only need to catch Latias to get ALL THE ROAMING POKÉMON IN GOLD WHOO.
- Also I've been filling my Diamond pokédex - currently at seen: 390/ caught: 355! :D Hopefully I'll get to 400 caught before I get distracted again.
- I've managed to kick the GTS into working again, too, so if you want to trade/battle/mix records/whatever let me know! :D (Also, if you're looking for a non-legendary something, chances are I have it. I also have a not a few legendaries! But none of the super-cool ones. Alas.)
• Also, I created
bulbanews_feed, mainly for finding out when event pokémon are up for grabs, so if you're into that sort of thing, it's there.
• I'm still working on those requests! ;; I only have two to go! But they're Isaac and Miria ones, which are SUPER HARD. Is it much of a surprise so much awesome is hard to contain in mere words? No it is not. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will suck at it, but I'm still trying! >:
• Two tests and an essay due next week, if I'm grumpy or spending way too much time playing Luxor that's why. ¬¬;; (I have yet to give into the urge of badfic-wallowing, but it's been building up for several weeks now. Hopefully I'll make it through next week. Sigh.)
• I don't think I ever publicly linked
this (YouTube link) before - hilarious, and also REALLY GOOD MUSO SKILLS. I am starting to know it as just a real song in its own right now um. *laughs*
• A couple of days AFTER the election bullshit finally got resolved, I come across a really good roundup of the pre-election bullshit, and a follow up post of most of the post-election whut.
It's really good because a) it makes SENSE, which is new and exciting - even for foreigners, apparently - and b) because it casts the politicians as Harry Potter characters.
Yes, really. AND IT MAKES SENSE.
Anyway, here they are -
Australian politics: a Harry Potter primer [+
cast list, if you really care that much]
Australian politics and the Deathly Dull Hallows I recommend them even if you only have an interest in humour.
• Speaking of humour, I've been vaguely poking
this blog, which I admit to not having read all the way through yet, but seems to be made of win.
An excerpt that still makes me smile whenever I think of it:
K- She said being dark was not only bad for me, it was bad for people who had to look at me. My darkness was also preventing me from getting-job-finding-good-husband-leading-happy-awesome-life. I don't know if she meant that as separate things or as one very big thing.
S- I thought you couldn't get a job because you weren't looking for one.
K- That's what I thought too.
• Also, if you've ever worked in retail with other people you'll probably well know that the customer is
not always right ...even if that wasn't all I think this post is really long enough, now.