Welcome to typoverse!

May 11, 2009 23:44

YES. IT'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. Basically, TypoVerse is a place for all of the awesome people at typochronicles to post fic, art, icons, what the hell ever they want, as long as it's at least kinda set in the typochronicles universe. I figured it was better than confusing the shit out of everyone who visits the OOC comm, and saves random friends of knighterrific reading her journal the "OMGWTFBUTHE'SAPLUSHIE" mind-scarring.

Some ground rules WE FOLLOW RULES? Since when?

* NO WANK. THIS MEANS YOU. Anyone caught being a jerk except Syaoran will be reprimanded and given paperwork.
* Please, for the love of god and our friends pages, LJ-CUT LONG ENTRIES.
* And while we're on the subject: LJ-cut anything that could be considered NSFW. Especially anybody/Ciel (or, for that matter, everybody/Ciel.)
* Any and all Typo-related material may go here. Yes, if you are batshit crazy and write, like... Danielle/Emily porn, I suppose that can be posted. Fic about what would happen if a certain character stumbled into the Typo universe? Sure, go ahead. Fan art of Jin and Barack Obama? Why the hell not.
* It's pretendyfuntiems. Don't take it seriously at all. Breaking of this rule is cause for removal from the park being on Syaoran nice things, 'kay?

IMPORTANT TAGS like, well, "important," "mod post," "fic," "art," et cetera - those should all have an asterisk before them. That's so we don't accidentally start thinking we have a character named Icons. For tagging something with a character, please use the Western name format - i.e. "Kimihiro Watanuki" or "Edward Elric." And feel free to make up your own ridiculous tags that have nothing to do with anything

So for, say... Sem posting Aido/Syaoran fan art, the tags would look something like "Hanabusa Aido, Syaoran Li, *art, Sem loves the penispenispenis, I'm on a shoat."


That is all. Have fun~ ♥
Oh, and ask all your questions here, 'kay? I don't want there to be any misunderstandings 'cause of me and my scatterbrainedness.

*kate does not approve of this fuckery, *because i fucking say so, *important

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