How this works:
Have you ever seen a Trope ( that applies to Typo (the characters, the events, or the muns)? Comment here with it and we'll add it to the post.
We've already put up a few examples to show you how it's done. ^^
Affably Evil (Sebastian)
Artificial Human (Tieria, Envy)
Badass Bookworm (Ed, Yomiko)
Battle Butler (Grell and Sebastian. Maylene, to an extent.)
Beach Episode (the Fireworks event; Kobato's beach party)
Berserk Button (Don't call Ed short. Don't lie to Rena, either. And Hannelore... don't get me started.)
Beware the Nice Ones (Many)
Chessmaster (Jin, Light)
Clingy Jealous Girl (Alice)
Cloud Cuckoolander (Hannelore, Kobato, Orihime, Sensei but in an odd way, Tamaki at times)
Cool Shades (Crowley)
Cute Shotaro Boy (Hunny... maybe Al.)
Dances and Balls (Halloween; the Prom)
Deadpan Snarker (Billy, Ciel...)
Dude Looks Like a Lady (Tieria, Ciel, Envy sometimes)
Emo Teen (The muns, mostly. Minato, Ed at times, Billy.)
Fan Nickname (State-san, Barnacle-san, "the bike" for Luke...)
Fetish Fuel (Ugh, so much. Crowley's tongue, genderbent!Ciel, Envy, Patchy, Yomiko's... er... love of books, automail...)
Foe Yay (Envy/Ed is the first one that springs to mind, but there are lots of others.)
Idiot Hair/Ahoge (Austria, America, Ed)
I Need a Freaking Drink/
Drowning My Sorrows (Ed and Excel, very early in the game)
Large Ham (Draco, Yomiko during the personality swap event, America)
Les Yay (Patchy/Yomiko, Shizuma/everyone, Zoe/Kate)
Local Hangout (The cafe, the hotel)
Lovable Sex Maniac (Barney, Grell, and Shuuei, though he's less this than a
Chivalrous Pervert)
Manipulative Bastard (Envy, Maria... we're sure there are more of these)
Memetic Mutation- Zoe git the turtle.
- I slammed my town into a wall.
- You model penises after my hot dog
- I'm on a shoat
- demon tissues
- Kawaii Steak Chan
- Zoe's typos
Nightmare Fetishist (Sunako)
Peek-a-Bangs (Break, Minato)
Playing With Fire (Radu, and the Roys, when they were here.)
Raised by Wolves Raised in Space Station by Mad Scientist (Hannelore.)
Rule of Cool (Typo runs on this)
Running Gag (Oh, so many.)
Spot of Tea (The cafe.)
Stupid Sexy Flanders (we're sure it's happened at least once)
Strange Minds Think Alike (Finnian and Kobato)
The Reason You Suck Speech (Ciel is fond of these)
Trademark Favorite Food (Alice)
Tsundere (Oh, so many. Ed, Kaname, Luke, Alice, Syaoran, Tieria, Hikaru, Kyo, Ciel, Watanuki, Gil, Zero, Kurogane, England... and Kate, apparently)
Verbal Tic (Uu, uu!)
What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs (The game itself)
White Haired Pretty Girl (Shizuma)
Nagihiko/Nadeshiko Woobie (don't get us started)
Yamato Nadeshiko (Kuro-mommy, and, of course, Nadeshiko.)
Yaoi Fangirl (Hannelore, Yomiko, Rena, the muns)