Oct 30, 2005 09:29
Holy Fucking Crap! The Eryndor event yesterday ((the 29th)) was one of the best events I have ever been to! 100+ people. The battles were fast pitched and deadly, hard and long, or short, quick, and crazed. The monster hunt was awsome!! I was the Assassin, I just walked around, giving advice to the monsters, and killing humans. I was standing by the bridge. and these humans walked by, and they were all like "Hey" and i was like "Item that way" so they walked past me, showing me there back. I got three. Dead, dead, dead. Before they killed me. It was so much fun. I did that like 6 times. then tricked groups into following me around. I lead this one 8 man group right into an ambush of 16 monsters i helped set up! it was awsome!
Also, Yak, as the black night, so sweet!
I also got my fighter's pelt, pluss MERIT! I GOT MERIT! HOLY FUCKING CRAP!
One last thing