general summary

Apr 16, 2008 16:47

salon has been fun lately. i've made friends with a couple of the employees, and it makes me feel a little more comfortable there.
i've been doing a little more observing lately, and a little less bitch work.
i ripped the ass of my work pants yesterday at the beginning of my shift. i cant order a new pair, for whatever reason, til like summer time. so i think im gona rip the hole bigger, and wear bright pink underwear until they give me a new pair of pants. can you tell i have no shame?
i'm getting chris' limited edition pre-release of his upcomming book. i'm waiting on my damn paypal transfer to go through... i get paid tomorrow, but the book is almost 40, phone bill is 70 something (i dont know how that happened) and i want to try to put money in savings this week. so thats most of my pay cheque...
i really need to start saving money again.  i'm hoping i can find a craft show or something sometime soon, and sell all my dishcloths, and some hemp stuff... make 100$ or so and save all of it.
a girl can dream, right?
i also want to sell my bass. i've been saying this for  while, but really, it's just taking up space. 
i have to clean my room. theres a pile of clean clothes on my floor, unfolded, cause i came home to said pile on my bed last night... i dont know why it's here or where my laundry hamper is.
SAMANTHA AND JESSICA! my sock monkey has a new home. he lives on my dresser, now. 
i also want to try to use up some of my craft supplies. i have a metric shit ton of yarn (everyone knows this), and enough beads for every man, woman and child on the face of this planet to have a bracelet made for them. ok, those are both exaggerations, but that's what it feels like. so i want to knit 1/10 of my cotton and 1/4 of my baby blanket yarn byt th eend of the month. that doesn't sound like a whole lot, but trust me, it is. and i want to make 50 pieces of hemp jewelry, too.

salon, knitting, craft, work, school, money, craft show

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