survey things...

Jan 06, 2007 19:21

i've filled this fucking thing out soooo many times
keep in mind, this is from myspace...

Rule #1: You can only say Yes or No!

Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you comments this and asks!

Q: Kissed someone on your top friends
A: yes

Q: Have you seen someone on your myspace naked?
A: yes

Q: Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
A: yes.

Q: Been arrested?
A: no

Q: Kissed someone you didn't like?
A: yes

Q: Slept in until 5 PM?
A: no

Q: Held a snake?
A: yes

Q: Been suspended from school?
A: no

Q: Been fired from a job?
A: yes

Q: Sang karaoke
A: yes

Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
A: yes

Q: Laughed until you started crying?
A: yes

Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
A: yes

Q: Kissed in the rain?
A: yes

Q: Sang in the shower?
A: yes

Q: Sat on a roof top?
A: no

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
A: no

Q: Broken a bone?
A: yes

Q: Shaved your head?
A: no

Q: Played a prank on someone?
A: yes

Q: Felt like killing someone?
A: yes.

Q: Made a girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
A: yes

Q: Cried over someone you loved/liked?
A: yes.

Q: Shot a BBgun or paintball gun?
A: no

Q: Tripped on mushrooms?
A: no

Q: Donated Blood?
A: yes

Q: Still love/like someone you shouldn't?
A: yes.

Q: Is there someone that gives you butterflies?
A: yes.

Q: Woke up and not known where you were at for a whole minute?
A: yes

Q: Have you ever put more into a relationship, and felt like you weren't appreciated?
A: yes.

--> Spell your name without vowels: ncl

--> What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: january 6th, yes, fuckers, thats today

--> How many pairs of jeans do you own?: that i actually wear? like 3. my fave jeans ripped the other day

--> How many are designer?: none.

--> What color do you wear most?: black, bandtee (yes, its a colour)

--> Least favorite color?: to wear? hmm... really couldnt tell you...

--> Last song heard on the radio?: some country that my dad was listening to

--> What's for dinner tonite?: i ate leftover pasta

--> Are you happy with your life right now?: not particularly, nicole can never find a nice boy. i hate my job, i dont know what i want to do after highschool...

--> Tell me a secret about one of your siblings: hmm, well... FUCK IF I KNOW! ITS A SECRET DUMB-SHIT!

--> Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: not that i remember

--> Who did you last call on your cell phone?: you mean my japanese sword? i havnt gotten it yet. i ahve the money, but my dad is being fkn anal and not bringing me to pick it up

--> Do you own a..

- PS2?: no

- XBOX 360?: no

- PSP?: no

- SIDEKICK?: pfft i wish they existed in canada


--> In what city or country do you want to go to school after highschool?: toronto, halifax, or france

--> Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, or Aeropostale?: no, cause last time i went into A&E, i was given dirty looks by all the staff, and the 6 girls wearing the same clothes and carrying their sparkley purses

--> How do you make money?: im in the deli... cuttin yo lunchmeeeetzzzz

--> Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: my NMBC sweater, and im gonna order stuff form oath and clandestine, after i put money on my mastercard

--> How's the weather?: cold and windy

--> When do you start Summer Break?: fuck if i know. its still winter break

--> Are you missing someone right now?: yeah... like you would not beleive

--> What chores do you have around the house: i do laundry sometimes... my house is never clean... we dont really do chores

--> Finish this sentence. I wish: i could find someone that wouldnt use me.

--> One word to describe you: ...i really cant...

--> Favorite pair of shoes: jack slides... followed by my broke-ass converse

--> Do you own big sunglasses?: no, cause i need real glasses, and i cant afford presciption sunglasses, too

--> Do you find yourself attractive?: nope, and thats why only stupid boys go after me. theyre like "hey, shes ugly, she has low self esteem!" *SHOVES DICK/TONGUE DOWN HER THROAT* yeah, i get used...

--> Why is the first person in your Top 8 in the spot?: cause shes cassia, and she is the only person that fucking deserves that stupid spot

--> What would you rather be doing right now?: anything but sitting at home by myself on the last saturday of xmas break

--> What should you be doing right now?: laundry

--> Have you kissed your boyfriend/girlfriend lately?: HA!

--> Last IM you recieved?: i dont remember, no one talks to me

--> Last myspace message you recieved? some random dude telling me he liked my profile

--> Who did you hug today?: no one

--> What are you going to do now?: probably laundry

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