Ah, it's been a while, hasn't it? And although I'm exhausted and I need to sleep, I also need to post this update before I lose the feeling of the con.
FRIDAY: Was amazing. I cosplayed Katara and recieved and gave much love to the other cosplayers, especially Avatar cosplayers, of which there were pretty few. So most of the day was spent getting there, and going to the Avatar panel. The panel was mostly about Nick Magazine, although they did show us some good preview pictures of background art for the rest of the season, which is gorgeous as usual. My friend Alison was on the panel (AKA the Avatard who was a zuko with a "flameo and the hotmen" tshirt for Halloween XD), yay! There was some funny stuff about a sidestory for Sokka in the little booklets they had with the individual DVDs. There was also some "preview" storyboards which parodied the ending for Harry Potter, but they also said they were real, or something? I dunno, but older Aang is H-O-T, hot. And older Sokka, lose the goatee thing and you're mine.
Then we proceeding to wait in line for the masq, or the lack of a line. Some poor planner had decided it was a good idea to just let people in when the masquerade was scheduled to start instead of forming a line. Whatever. So we just hung out and got decent seats.
The masquerade I would say was average overall. Needless to say they did not get the 40 entries they anticipated. Luckily, there were some VERY good skits (unfortunately there were bad ones but I'll skip them). There was a couple of really good ones. The one we thought was gonna win was a Midna and some other character who had a decent skit and ABSOLUTELY AMAZING COSTUMES, but alas. The other skit, a pair of character from Code Geass, had great costumes and a great skit and they took four prizes including best in show, but for some strange reason they didn't win the World Cosplay Summit prize....because the other group was "flashier". WTF?! The other group was good but I mean really. What the hell, judges.
Since they took a hella long time for judging we left right afterwards and I got back pretty late, and then stayed up til 6 working on my Akira costume.
SATURDAY: Was MORE amazing. My and Erica's B-Dar (bishie radar) was off the scale, btw. Amanda came with us - it was her first con, too, and she did so well! - and she got harrassed, which I'll mention later. I wore Akira and Erica wore Minoru from Lucky Star and man oh man, did we get stopped a lot. Apparently Lucky Star is very popular but has very few cosplayers, not to mention NO other Akira and Minorus at the con. And it was so much fun being those characters! Although as Erica pointed out, for some reason I always choose the bitch characters....*sigh*. If you want to see a video of me being a douche and Erica being an adorable boy, here ya go, provided by Hoshimaru57:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=shE7zXSuuLQ So then later the most amazing thing happened - I finally came across a Svetlana Chmakova signature line!! For those who don't know, she writes and draws Dramacon, in my opinion the best American manga I've ever read. So I was pumped, and I got it signed and I got a picture with her.
And at some other point, like I said, Amanda got harrassed. She was Yumiko from Read or Die and goddamn if it wasn't amazing for her first cosplay. So we were sitting down and some guy comes up and sits right in front of us and tells her what a good Yumiko costume it was. She was happy, he was complimenting her, and then he went on to obsess about how her hair wasn't correct. This guy wasn't even wearing a costume, and her hair is pretty close to the character anyway, so I don't know what the hell his deal was.
Anyway, most of the rest of the day we hung around and wore our amazing costumes and got asked for photos. Yay!
SUNDAY: May have been the best day! Just kidding they were all cool, though it ended badly for poor Bin-Chin (Venus).
pWell anyway, we got there pretty early and showed Michele around. We were Yankiis and Venus was our scared schoolgirl with an original school uniform from Japan. She carried the Lucky Channel sign from the day before, because on the other side of the sign it says "IchiP! Ask about our dances". And beleive me, many people did. We got asked pretty much every 20 feet, and we had to cover up "ask about our dances" because we were getting so tired. But it was fun, I have a feeling a lot of people will be posting them very soon...hopefully...
So later I went on a spending spree - I'm pretty sure I spent upwards of $150 this weekend - and we got a nice photo of all of us in our Yankii/schoolgirl poses, which came with some purikura-like stickers which are now on our phones. And we found this amazingly nice guy in artist alley who takes 3D photos - you heard right, with 3D glasses and everything - and we got 4 prints, one for each of us. And just because he was so unbelievably nice, accomodating, and all around helpful, I'm gonna plug him as much as I can, so!:
Go and find him at a con if he's going, it is SO worth getting a print! I think he's going to Anime Boston this year. He'll do anything he can to make you happy with the photo. He even thought of ideas for poses and places for us to do it, and as soon as I get my copy from Erica I'm going to post it, hopefully.
So around lunchtime Venus and Michele went to have lunch with the creators of Chugworth Academy (great webcomic, another thing to check out!) and me and Erica went to the "Who Wants to be a Voice Actor?" competition, which Erica did NOT enter because she wasn't prepared. Sigh. It was very entertaining and there were some really good entrants, and we're fairly sure Mike Sinterniklaas kept looking at us o.O God, what an adorable man.
When we met up with them later they were at the Gothic Lolita booth and Michele was preparing to buy a dress/is going to buy it later. Unfortunately there was also a gorgeous skirt she wanted but couldn't afford at the time, so Erica, Venus, and me huddled together and decided to split it for her Chanukkah present. She thought we were going to lend her the money when we showed it to her, but then we told her we were going to buy it and she started crying! T^T SO CUTE, MICHELE! And she looks fantastic in it to boot.
Finally we bought some Phoenix Wright buttons and left. We went to McDonald's and got some cheap-ass food, and all was fine until we got to the Clinton-Washington stop by Pratt and there were some asshole middle/high-school kids hanging off of the second turnstile. Well, we went through the other turnstile, Venus first, and the douchebag kid came up and did a "boo"!-ish thing. So, Venus said, "fuck you, kid" because he deserved it, and of course they fell in step behind us and harrassed us all the way up the stairs. As soon as we got out we found it was raining pretty hard, which luckily calmed Venus down a little, but it made the going miserable. We showed Venus "boot to the head", and we filmed the Kodocha dance (unsuccessfully on my part, I might add, because I kept fucking up one section).
So now my legs burn from all the walking/dancing and I'm gonna sleep in this bed which seems the comfiest thing in the world right now. ^^ Pictures will be added later when Photobucket isn't being a butt....