May 30, 2007 18:10
As you all know, I am a hardcore anglophile (well maybe not hardcore...) or at least a David Tennant-ophile. So, I heard he was on this British show called Viva Blackpool (which, by the way, is being remade for America, sans D. Tennant, very sad) and I FINALLY found it on the TVlinks site. Ignoring the show's plotline, you should know that it's a musical show, and often characters will burst into dance while singing Elvis songs. In one scene, David Tennant is having a semi-intellectual battle with the main character, and as a result they start to waltz/tango. But you know, the entire point of this entry is just to say this: that that scene would actually be TOTALLY hot if the other character wasn't a total jackass.
Wow, that was long-winded. point is...DT + Scottish accent + tousled hair = <333333
tennant david blackpool obsess anglophil