Feb 16, 2006 08:10
Well here it is. I understand that the reason i am single right now is because i'm not pursuing it to my fullest. I have been blaming past situations on my current life. Yes, I have a sketchy past with women. Yes, the most recent girlfriend i had shattered what remaining trust I had in women. I am trying to work on these. So, I order to try and get over some of my past issues here we go.
Tab, I hate you for what you did. but, you did it for whatever reason you thought was necessary. That's ok it happens and it wasn't the first time that it had happened to me and nor will it be the last. This is a learning curve we all go through. I am trying to be your friend right now but you have to understand that sometimes when i speak with you i catch all the bad memories of me and you. This really fucks with me.
Missa, I apologize. There was once a time where I thought I could have you as my own. I ran from that. It was a terrible time in my head during those months. In retrospect i wish i would have pursued you. You are one of the most level headed, fun, out going, goal driven and cute girls that I know. In summary a great catch for anyone that you deem capable of giving you what you need.
Emily, I just miss you god damnit
Sarah, I hate the fact we never talk anymore and losing your friendship really hurt me. The reasoning in general was terrible for me but i know why you did it. I'm alright with it. My feelings still have not changed about your other half but I do hope you guys continue to be happy and productive throughout life.
now for the people that don't read this.
Lindsey, I really fucking hate you. I am very over you but i wanted to get that out there.
Sarah (from liberty) I am sorry for stringing you along but i truthfully did not know what i was doing to you. I thought you knew that there was no serious relationship spawning from our sex capades. I did have fun with you and enjoyed being your friend but once again things started to look serious and i ran away.
Anonymous stripper, We had fun but you complain too much. You did teach me an important lesson.
to all the girls at my old apartment, I don't apologize for anything you knew what you were getting into because i verbally informed you many a time in between captain and cokes. we had a lot of fun though.
Jessica, Sorry nothing ever became of us but, I got scared of something serious. but your still a friend :)
Suzi, I know how religious you are and i feel terrible for what i did. I truthfully do. but I was right you don't need to have sex to get off. Still doesn't change it. I know you think that you were at fault but i told you that you weren't so believe it. 50/50 fault lines
That should be all for now. I really do feel alot better.
MANDY I'm sorry for never trying to seduce you or place my head in your boobies. However, It would be nice to hang out again. It's been a long time since ive seen anyone.