(no subject)

Aug 17, 2004 09:32

12 comments on my last one..
Maybe I should do more confessions? :D
And wth is up with those.. secret things about people? o_O;
I'll kill the person who created that stupid thing. :(
Don't look for one from me, cause I hate stuff like that.
And I wouldn't know what to say. o_o
HAHAHAHA. I'M DOING IT ANYWAYS. Sorry if it sucks. :)
Er.. sorry if I kind of give away who it is. o_o I don't mean to. XD
Mwah. You know the deal. Ten things about people. Don't tell who they are. Yessss.
1. Even though I've really just met you and am starting to talk to you more and more, I feel like I've known you forever. Which is kind of weird, but wth. :)
2. You are honestly one of my best friends online. You've been through a lot, and are still going through a bunch of crap, but you've held strong throughout all of it. Your head held high and willing to push through and accomplish what YOU want to accomplish and not what your parents say you will. Sometimes I don't know what to say to you.. what to do to take away the pain you feel.. because I'm talking to you online. And, well.. online words probably don't mean much. You probably don't think I really care about you. That I really care about what you're going through and that I really wish I could take it away. I wish I could be there physically to offer you support as a friend. But all I have is this computer stuck in front of me and a keyboard through which I tell you how much I am willing to support you and comfort you. I hope it's enough. Oh, and I appreciate the efforts you're giving in trying to open up to me. I know how hard it is for you, and that makes me appreciate it all the more. Hmmm.. laugh more, have fun. You'll like it, I promise. I would do a little heart thingamabob at the end of this, but since I know you don't like them, I'll disguise it. :o See you can't see the he<3art. HarrharhaharrI'madork. :)
3. We were really close for a while there, in a real relationship that was too early. Now I think our relationship has really.. fell through. Deteriorated. We can't talk like we used to. But that doesn't mean I don't care for you. I do. More than you probably care for me, but that's alright. Home life can be hell and it can affect who you turn out to be, often in a drastic way, but I think you've turned out fine. You're a great friend who is always there for me when I need it, even if I don't take that offer that I know is there. Don't worry about finding love. You have a whole lifetime ahead of you to do that. <3
4. HAHAHHAHAHAHAAAH U R TE BSTST PRSUN EVAAAAAAA. Our friendship got off to a rocky start (i.e. you wanting to talk to me, but me not wanting to talk to you and ignoring you), but now our friendship is where it should be. :) I feel like I can talk to you about anything, and we have had some heart-to-hearts even if I still think that you're BSing me about all that "You're so cool and nice and you've turned my life around." I know you want me to believe you, but it'll take time. Cause I haven't turned anyone's life around before. Kinda hard for me to believe that. Don't worry so much about what peoploe think of you or how they feel about you. Because you kick ass just the way you are. <3
5. ASDAHDSHD YOU'RE ANOTHER BESTET PERSSSSSSSSN EVA. (: You just kick ass. PCHAAAAKarate. xD It's great how you're always there for you friends, willing to hear them out. I've had a couple times where you've tried to do the same thing for me, but I've been to stubborn to let you. Comebackeverybodymissesyou. <3
6. I don't know if I can put this down in my LJ.. if you'll read it, since you never seem to read my LJ anymore. You've moved onto other things then LJ and Neopets (like many of my other friends). You are my best friend. Second only to Smokey. Lmao, I know that sounds bad, to be second to a cat, but.. yeah. You shouldn't feel bad because. You shouldn't. And I'm telling you not to be. :) I love you more than anything. More than life itself. I love you so much I can't pick adequate words to describe it. I believe we're coming close to a year or something, but it's gone by so fast. A year full of bumps and pit stops, full of laughter, love and just.. I dunno. Fun. Lately I've been neglecting you. And I'm ashamed of it. I really am. I don't know what's gotten into me. But please. Please don't take that as me not loving you. Please. I love you more than anything and I would never leave you. Never. e_e
7. We used to have pretty funny conversations on MSN, when I wasn't not replying. xD I wish we could still have those great conversations full of "o_O_o_O_o" and crap, but now that I don't have MSN and I can't download it, I don't know how to do so. I feel like we're drifting apart and I hate that. Although it's probably not helped by the fact that I almost never post in your LJ. I read the entries, but I never comment. I'm stupid. :(
8. Our friendship also had a rocky start. We started talking and then I started to ignore you.. started to drift away and let you flounder. Ever seen those commercials by the that one Drug Prvention Group? Where one of the friends is in trouble and the other one just stands there looking at the friend.. not helping. Watching them slowly suffocate.. slowly drown. That. Is what I've done for you. I've slowly let you drown, taking the possible comfort and help I could have given you away. Now we're back on track although it's slow going. I've dived under to catch you just as I thought you were going to die and I've done CPR on you. On our relationship. You'll probably think this is a load of shit.. that you have other friends who you can lean on, but.. wth. :)
9. You are my humping friend. :) *humpzzzzzz* You kick ass and everyone likes you. I wish I was as well liked as you.
10. I don't know who goes here. So.. I'll just say a bunch of crap that I've discovered while reading the above stuff. I tend to ignore my friends, even when they need me, even if I don't want to. I try to be there for you guys but I'm not. I've got a life that's better than some of yours and I should be happy about it, though I can have a few complaints here and there. I SUCK at starting relationships. And, blah. I'm horrible. But maybe that's what I need to work on. My self-esteem in my relationships. Maybe I need to work on the fact that I think I'm not good enough for anyone. That I'm a horrible friend. Even if I think it's true.
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