Mar 12, 2009 13:10


1. Vote for your favorite character in each poll. Polls will close Friday, March 13, 1-2PM EST.

2. Pimp using the character campaign posters!

3. Check here for the full bracket sheet and here for all previous rounds.

4. NO BITCHASSNESS. I am all for good-natured trash talk and bemoaning the evilness of the bracket, but I draw the line when you start complaining. Before posting a comment, read it over. Can your comment be construed in any way as a criticism of the game or winter_baby? Could it be read like you're telling winter_baby how to run her own game, LJ, or life? Do any of your sentences start with the phrase "Not to complain but..."? If you answered yes to any of these questions, SHUT IT DOWN.

5. Any fake journals created after I started this game (March 3) will not be counted. If you think I'm not willing to postpone this entire game just so I can go through all the votes, you underestimate my dedication to this. I'M LIZ LEMON, AND I'M BUYING ALL THE HOT DOGS AND GIVING THEM TO THE GOOD PEOPLE.

(Closed as of March 13, 1:00PM EST)

NOTE: Because this game got bigger than I ever expected, I've created a comm for next year: f_march_madness! Feel free to join now; it'll remain inactive until March 2010, when the insanity can begin all over again.

fd: march madness: 2009

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