so tomorrow i'm off to pasta-a-gogo land. even though i'm only gone for 2 weeks-ish, i'm gonna miss everyone. some of you special people might get phone calls from me, vis-a-vis my international phone card!! but only if (a) i feel like talking to you (b) i feel like staying up till 2am so that i can call you at a normal hour.
anyways, i've still
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A - Age: 15
A - Annoyance: Im wasting my vacation....and i dont care that i am...
B - Best Friends?: kathleen, micheal simms, tyler, amy, beanie, tes
B - Bar: someday...maybe never
B - Birthday: 4.30.90
C - Crush: no real ones
C - Car: not yet, soon though
C - Cat: 2, george and The Bebebe
D - Dead Pets Name: Marshall Fluff
D - Dad's Name: Rick leavitt
D - Dog: N/A
E - Ethnicity: um...mixed...english/british and a bit swedish
E - Eggs: good every once and awhile
E - Email: <---soo bland
F - Favourite Colors: green and blue
F - Food: strawberries...and all the other berries too
F - Foreign Slang: snog
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: sour gummy worms
G - God: yes...that is in fact my job....
G - Good Time: Serving the guy who runs Hebron's dining service a hot dog at my sisters DI thing
H - Hair Color: brown
H - Height: 5'10"... ish
H - Happy: at the moment
I - Ice Cream: chocolate
I - Instrument: out of tune guitar
I - Idol: uh...i dont know....i dont really have one, isnt that sad
J - Jewelry: watch, and glasses, though those dont count
J - Job: nadda
J - Joke: I met your mom last night, she wasnt very attractive
L - Longest Car Ride: driving from maine to virginia to see my great aunt
L - Laughing: at myself
L - Last person you spoke to on the phone: the DMV people
M - Milk Flavor: hooray for chocolate, but regular is good too
M - Mother's Name: Anne Gass
M - Movie Last Watched: The Corpse Bride
N - Number of Siblings: 1 younger sister
N - Northern or Southern: way to go northern things, im undecided in california
N - Name: Silas
O - ONE WISH: settle for a girlfriend
O - One Phobia: probably ridicule
O - Ogle: um........... maybe........
P - Parents: "be kind to your parents, though they dont deserve it...."
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: my eyes?
P - Part of your Personality you like best: my good-naturedness
Q - Quote: "What would you do, if you knew you couldn't fail" <--motivational card thingy
Q - Question you want to ask but haven't: i dont know
Q - Quick or Slow: depends
R - Reason to smile: my friends
R - Reality TV Show: shoot me
R - Right or Left: right
S - Season: spring
S - Sex/gender: guy
S - Store: material objects, EB i guess
T - Time you woke up: 9:30 or so
T - Time Now: 10:42 PM
T - Time for bed: soon
U - Unknown Fact about me: my favorite anime thing is Full metal panic (its not unknown, but no one cares)
U - Unicorns: are pretty?
U - Under your bed: i shudder to think of it
V - Vegetable you hate: eggplant (and do tomatoes count?)
V - Vegetable you love: corn and potatoes and broccoli, and carrots
V - View on Politics: i guess you could call me a socialist
W- Worst Habits: lack of motivation
W- What do you want to be when you grow up? dunno
W- where are you traveling next? to my bed now, and to boston on the weekend
X - X-Rays: can see through stuff (if you're superman)
X - X-Rated Porn: as opposed to what?
X - XZIBIT: que?
Y - Year you were born: 1990
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: submarine
Z - Zoo Animal: lions and tigers and bears, oh my
Z - Zodiac: Taurus
Z - ZZZZZ: where i am going next
A - Available?: as always
A - Age: 15 (that close to being 16 though *pinches fingers verrry close together*)
A - Annoyance: that i can't sleep right now, laura eaton, my spine
B - Best Friends?: kathleen, abby, and occasionally andrew (if he speaks)
B - Bar: bie
B - Birthday: 4.27.90
C - Crush: i dunno. probably no one.
C - Car: i have no car
C - Cat: i have no cat
D - Dead Pets Name: i have no dead pet
D - Dad's Name: tony
D - Dog: i have no dog (well there are the mini-dogs but...)
E - Ethnicity: italiano/other random europeanness. probably british. deep down everyone is british
E - Eggs:pectations is a pretty sweet restaraunt
E - Email: not much
F - Favourite Colors: bright blue. and apparently green but that was unintentional
F - Food: i like food
F - Foreign Slang: eh it depends. i can't think right now
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: swedish fisch (yeah theres a c)
G - God: why did school have to start today?
G - Good Time: last week. which i wrote a ridiculously long emailto you about since i was bored
H - Hair Color: brown. i should learn how to say that in another language just to make it seem more interesting
H - Height: 5'8". apparently i grew another inch.
H - Happy:
I - Ice Cream: peppermint
I - Instrument: none
I - Idol: i don't even have one. how sad is that?
J - Jewelry: quite a lot
J - Job: i am unemployed
J - Joke: lucky charms!
L - Longest Car Ride: sometime driving across country when i was moving
L - Laughing: is a party
L - Last person you spoke to on the phone: my dad.... but before that abby
M - Milk Flavor: chocolate milk is good
M - Mother's Name: barbara
M - Movie Last Watched: leprechaun! actually it was the bird cage. which is an amzing movie. i heart agador spartacus
N - Number of Siblings: uno
N - Northern or Southern: northern
N - Name: finally you ask.
O - ONE WISH: i don't even know.
O - One Phobia: fire. or my future
O - Ogle: "michael simms, have you ever oogled a girl?" "no" "don't lie" "okay, yes" "i SO noticed!!" <--amy gets it <-- heck yes i do
P - Parents: we had to do this weird things to poems in english today and they all ended up being about psycho parents who abandon their kids.
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: my spleen
P - Part of your Personality you like best: we're currently fighting
Q - Quote: do you like banging? ~HP (not harry potter)
Q - Question you want to ask but haven't: there are a few of those
Q - Quick or Slow: quick
R - Reason to smile: my friends
R - Reality TV Show: reality tv is one of those trends that just really over-saturated itself
R - Right or Left: left
S - Season: summer
S - Sex/gender: girlie
S - Store: h&m
T - Time you woke up: 6. i hate school.
T - Time Now: 9:57. i don't know why i'm so tired. it's not even that late
T - Time for bed: now?
U - Unknown Fact about me: i'm really an alien and i've come to take over the world.
U - Unicorns: i like unicorns (dodgeball moment? what is this?)
U - Under your bed: random art projects from when i was really little, a huge box of fabric scraps, slippers, and a water bottle
V - Vegetable you hate: BROCCOLI
V - Vegetable you love: corn and potatoes and all sorts of stuff really
V - View on Politics: psh
W- Worst Habits: picking at my nails? i probably have worse habits like not finishing my sentences and being really lazy and impatient but whatever
W- What do you want to be when you grow up? *lalala i cant hear you*
W- where are you traveling next? new york!! with chorus. but far away? montana!!!!!!
X - X-Rays: are cool looking
X - X-Rated Porn: is there G rated porn?
X - XZIBIT: what now?
Y - Year you were born: 1990
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: submarine
Z - Zoo Animal: rhinocerous. actually that was a complete and total lie. i just wanted to say (type) rhinocerous. i like monkeys.
Z - Zodiac: taurus. even though it never fits me at all
Z - ZZZZZ: yes i'm going to sleep now
so yeah i miss you man call me as soon as you get back or whenever is convienient to you or whatever. never if you don't want to.
i like your spleen too. rawr.
yeah me and kirby have been trying to call you but all these phones are staticy! damn them!!
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