Sep 17, 2004 22:49
i'm falling apart...
how much longer am i going to last? i have no life n e more, i come home work on homework till i go insane, eat dinner, shower, go 2 bed. sometimes it varies with a little girlscout meeting, or a softball practice--- but thats my weekdays. weekends: wakeup, softball, softball, softball, homework, dinner, shower, bed.
i'm falling apart...
im so stressed about everything with homework trying to prove im not dumb since junior year counts the most, and i would really like to get into a good college, which collge? no clue... but somewhere where i can be happy, which is something i want to be again...
i just want to be happy is that so much to ask these days? it seems nothing is making me happy anymore i cant walk in my halway w/o feeling like imma be sick, and everytime i see him-- my stomach drops. i want my friend back, i want him to make the first move for a chance, since i'vebeen told never to talk 2 him again. so yes-- im super stressed and im sick of being sad i just want to be happy
i wanna say thank you for all of you who have shown how much you care-- it's really ment a lot to me, especially those who i didnt know cared as much as you did, its always nice to be picked up when you've just about hit rock bottom-- it means more than i can put into words, seriously.
alright, practice, missing one game, and playing in two others so imma head off to bed, wow, this was good to put mostly everything out there