Aug 21, 2004 01:06

Hey, guess who's a bona fide resident of the Big Apple now; Me! That's right, posting from my trusty laptop using someone else's wireless (even though we have perfectly good cable internet right next to me, I can't connect to it.) I have the weekend with which to set up the apartment before I start working and will probably not have the time/energy again for a while. Or maybe I will, I dunno. I *will* be working for The Company though. The more I hear details, the worse things start to sound. Mark has had to stay quite late a few days, and when he said something about it, they told him it's "Bloomberg culture" to work late nights. Oh boy. Also, if I leave before one year I lose all my signing bonus stock, and if I leave before two years I also lose the travel reimbursement. And if I leave, I can't ever ever come back. Ever. Company policy. Also, I am not allowed to say anything bad about The Company, to anyone, even fellow employees. And they log all our e-mail, times of entry and exit, and internet traffic. And there are cameras in every room. It's probably not as bad as that sounds, but still. That makes me just a bit nervous.

Also, I think my brother is going to need glasses soon; his distance vision is getting a bit fuzzy. That makes my brother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and uncle, grandmother, grandmother, grandfather, and grandfather who all need glasses. And me and my 2 younger cousins who don't. I'm doomed.

Tomorrow: we shop for armoirs (of invincibility!) and other storage-type stuff at IKEA. No closets is pretty sad.

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