Tagged by
animekittysamaOnce tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a journal entry with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
1. The colony of my fraternity did not shut down over the break, but on my birthday last year. We kept it open mostly for political reason.
2. My first cosplay, serious cosplay, was actually only recorded by one comicbook website online. The other time I cosplayed was documented by
animekittysama. The first costume was Destruction from The Sandman, the other was Snakes on a Hojo/Jesus. I may not cosplay again so these photos are rare blackmail.
3. I have seen the AWA orgy room. I cannot unsee the AWA orgy room.
4. I have 3 subs.
5. My first real kiss was in the Pavillion. Behind the ABC. Dorky, but a fond memory.
6. I have not worked for a month straight. This needs to stop, but the job just doesn't need me. C'mon reimbursement checks...
-Ty out
Oh! And thus I Tag
piccochan, and since no one else is on