(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 10:08

Yesterday after I got home from work, I sat down for a little quality time with the old tv set. Nearly every commercial break on whichever channel I was on played commercials for an upcoming movie called "The 40 year old virgin". Now, the premise of this movie is pretty obvious. And this kind of thing is really starting to make me mad.

What the heck is society's problem? Why is it that people are expected to "do the deed" by the age of 18, and if they haven't, there is something wrong with them? They are considered too geekish, too maladjusted, too deformed, too prudish... something is always wrong with them. The entirety of the world is focused on one thing, and if someone happens to have waited, for any reason at all, they're considered freakish or uptight.

I guess I really consider that a problem. It's annoying to keep being inundated with propaganda telling us that you are almost less than human if you have any moral values whatsoever, or if you choose to stand a little different from anyone else. It's not really "all in fun" either, because I know first hand that most people my age really do see things that way. This kind of thing just promotes that viewpoint and spreads it.

And that's how a couple of annoying commercials can lead to a rant about an issue they probably didn't realize they were involved in.

I'm done now. And I'm at work, so I don't have a lot of time to express my views on this subject... or to express them coherently. Sorry.

On a completely unrelated note, for those of you who were there, did you notice anything strange after the drama at the convention? How the "actors", who usually stick around so little kids can shake their hands, vacated the arean immediately to go change? Well the talk on Sunday cleared that up for me. It seems that for the last couple of years when the kids came around to take pictures or talk to the "actors" a few of them started signing autographs. Isn't that crazy? Who's name are you going to sign? Timothy aka John Smith? Anyway, the society felt that the self importance was getting a bit out of hand there and asked the actors not to keep in costume for the lunch break. I thought that was hilarious, though.
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