to do list.

Jan 03, 2007 22:28

ride in a hot air balloon.

finish school real fast like.

sucker punch someone.

fire a paintball gun onto a pair of jeans [thatd be sickkkk]

swim with the dolphins.

have my portrait painted.

own a condo on the beach as my "other house"

own a boat.

brew my own beer.

send a message in a bottle with my phone number and see how long it takes for someone to find it.

fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally, and have the person love me the same or even more.

sit on a jury of a high profile case.

publish my autobiography.

drink beer at oktoberfest.

be a mentor...haha me? a mentorrr ahh.

see a lunar eclipse.

drive from the san francisco to new york.

endulge in starbucks while listening to grunge's greatest hits.

learn to forgive.

and learn to forget.

overcome my fear of loneliness.

purchase a star.

grow a real flower garden.

scuba dive off australia's great barrier reef.

kiss the blarney stone.

fly over a volcano in a helicopter.

purchase my very own island.

watch all john waters films in one day.

retire young.

learn how to fly a plane.

take a MINI over 100mph and not get scared.

learn italin and/or french.

or indian.

visit every country in europe.

make the national news. not bc of something bad though.

be debt free.

celebrate the dia de los muertos [my favourite holiday]

be in a situation where i can say "in that moment i felt infinite."
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