Sep 22, 2005 10:48
already hurricane rita has stirred up everything. the ride to austin wasnt bad cause we left early. taking sophia, johann and beets. we got to my godfthers house and my mom didnt tell him we had pets and they were bringing more with them. so my kitties are in a hot garage and so it beets, with a fan. sucky. and fernando doesnt want them there anyway. my mom left pokey and paris at the house, brought petie, who immediately ran away from fernandos backyard. and the house is crowded and we arent there yet, staying with a friend last night. they say that rita will be devastating for houston. which scares me. i dont have much to begin with and to think of the folks stayng, the folk still in houston because of katrina, the homeless. and the media, the hype, no accurate judgement of the hurricane sending all houstonians, galvestonians, into a goddamn panic. hurricanes are the new terrorism.
but all things considered, i have everything important with me. and class is cancelled. and maybe this storm wont be devastating. and also, well be waiting for two more days to get word of anything really. and three or more to know the damage of rita.