today i have school. very gross. i am very excited. i have my books wrapped in a strap & kneesocks at regulation height. give me a juice box. i took a picture of myself & realized i look exactly as i did when i was 5 years old on the first day of kindergarten, except there are new hollows in my cheeks now. my teacher was called mrs. cosgrave & she was very pretty but deranged. she made us watch bbc movies about sharing apples & one was called heidi & her hats. she believed in educational reform by way of the united kingdom. she carried a very threatening ruler. it measured our retention as we wrote the alphabet 26 times. it was illegal in 1991 to bruise little disobeyers' knuckles in the clock room, but the ruler threatened in the silent increments of the metric system. it's not illegal over there.
i am going to a gala on friday night. id rather camp out under a bridge with a plaid shirt as a tent. let the rain get in. sleep in pillows of plaid, sleeves of sturdy man. sad theyre empty & all wet. the boy that registered me for classes found me on myspace & made a stupid joke about all the elizabeth zales in the world, could i be the one. i slapped the nonsense out of his default picture & told him to go away. im not the one, im an adorable joke.
my juice
my toys too.
my rabbit's bed & the poetry i eat for lunch. iambic indigestion yesterday.
iDEATH is cute & not scary. you can come over.