May 05, 2010 00:54
I'm exhausted. You know, I've said this before a few weeks back and I thought I've gotten over it, but I only just realised, that I haven't. I'm physically, mentally and spiritually tired. Late nights, early mornings, hours of training, it's taking a toll on my body. I know I need to rest up for July but I can't. I guess I need to sort out my thinking. I used to fancy taking up lots of responsibilities. Stress was a friend, yet now, I run at the sight of it, or rather, limp, cause I'm too tired to be running. It's funny though, how I've mentioned so many things, yet the most important matter is the one that cannot be spoken of, not on the world wide web. Why so? I don't know, there's just an unspoken rule about it I suppose. Indeed, the rules are as vague as the matter it is safeguarding. Like I said, I need to straighten out my thinking.
This isn't me, I was never so pessimistic. Heck, I wasn't even sure of the existence of such a word, not till recently. I wasn't bothered if the glass was half full or half empty, I used to think it doesn't matter cause the fact remains that there is still water in that darn glass, so what's there to be sad about? Heh, I need to get that mentality back, pronto, or Korea's gonna be hell for me.
However, through all these, I was reminded tonight that I'm not forsaken. Through many small channels, God has shown that He was always with me, and always will be. (that's the reason why I'm not locking this post up or even writing it. I want the world to see how wonderful He is) I haven't exactly been the best christian these few days. I'm behind on my QT, I've never attempted spending some alone time with Him and all I've done is to spend a ridiculous amount of time doing these that are meaningless. Yet, I am reminded again tonight, that despite all that I've done (or rather what I have NOT done), He hasn't forsaken me. I guess that's what's amazing about Him. I've been randomly looking through different song lyrics and this stood out the most.
"Here's a map and here's a Bible, if you ever lose your way"
Here's a bible if you ever lose your way. How very true. I guess I've indeed lost my way and I really need to get back on track. I apologise for taking too much of your time, whoever's reading this, I guess I just needed a place to rant. And given my laziness to use a pen and a journal, the only other alternative is this online journal here. Well, here's a thought for you to think about (again, I saw it on a facebook message of a friend's friend. What did I tell you about Him showing that I'm not alone?)
It is your heavenly Father’s desire to show you how much you are loved and to restore to you what you have lost.