Jul 02, 2005 12:01
hey... me ann my friend sergio went to evergreen cemetary... it was flippin grand...we juss sat there talking ann drinking... ann i dunn know how he did it...but he maneged to get me to spill my guts out to him... ann no i wasnt drunk ok??? ann damness...he got me to cry too...but see i wasnt crying ann wipeing my own tears off my face.... i was crying on his shoulder. he was juss holding me ann telling me shit to make me feel better...ann it worked. i dunn know...it was kewl tho...yeah we left there at 6 am...ann we went by tha mc donalds by my hose ann got some fewd. yeah but its been awhile since me ann someone else juss chilled ann drank ann nothing became of it (if you catch my drift)... ann to me thoes are the best times you caan ever have...ok well im out im gonna go ann eat...laterz