((It's been a few days, I was pulling in a big Doctor Who torrent and my torrenting client and Paint Shop are both big memory hogs, so it had to be one or the other. For that, though, I've now got another season of Doctor Who, which is pretty darn good, and I've learned another new trick for my future endeavors. That said, I give you:
That's right, it's another card reversed. Even in the best of circumstances, the Devil represents a desire for material or physical things, wealth used as power, and effort expended for material success. Given that Lavos slowly eats a planet and manipulates the surface life into protecting it, those qualities aren't far off the mark.
But the card is reversed, and with good reason. In this position, it stands more for abuse of power and position, uncontrolled ambition, and power centered on those things to the exclusion of all else.
In the usual symbology of the Devil card, a devilish figure often leads a pair of slaves, sometimes bound, sometimes not. In recognition of that I've included Queen Zeal and Dalton, both of whom tried to bind Lavos to their will and both of whom were destroyed in one way or another by that very power. Between them stands the Mammon Machine, the means of their enslavement--the tie that binds them to Lavos and inevetably pulls them down.
I have to admit, I only put the central beam and the blasted figure in because I thought it'd look cool. The beam wasn't difficult, except for the part inside the Lavos-head--I had to work a pixel at a time. Still, I'm happy with the end result.
Back-issues now available for order:
Lucca, the Magician Ayla, the Star Flea, the Moon Sprites culled from Chrono Trigger, background pilfered from the Internet after a Google image search or two. All editing, arranging, and window-dressing done in Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. Tarot lore gleaned from "Understanding and Using Tarot" by Emily Peach. All characters depicted copyright of Square, now SquareEnix. Oh, hippo, my hippo, I have missed you so.