(no subject)

Dec 02, 2005 14:15

Rosie started a meme, I thought I'd join in.

Here's the deal: you write down and share your reasons for being friends with people. It can include specific friendships and friends, but make sure to talk at least some about general reasons. What makes someone a person you want to be friends with? What makes you not want to be friends with a person? Do you make friends quickly and easily, or does it take time?

At the end of this, or the beginning (either works) you post the directions and with any luck, your friends reciprocate. Tag them, don't, it's all good.

My answer: I tend to be friends with people who have at least some of the same interests, as they're usually the ones who get my jokes and aren't shunning me. Okay, the not-shunning is the big one. I'll admit I'm a little snarky, but I don't much like people who are needlessly cruel.
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