Jul 13, 2007 03:46
Sometimes I hate how obsessed I am with reading books and spelling words. I begin to despise people for their prenounciation of words like bottle or the incorect use of the word snap.
I hate the feeling of not being able to sleep at night because the only thing that suits my fancy at the moment is being able to break my mind away from everyday thoughts and figure out the mysteries in the next book of the series.
Seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix has definitaly peeled my interest in the series once more. Its been years since I've visited harry potter forums to get the low-down on such an incredible book. I had no idea Albus Dumbledore had a brother, or peoples thoughts on how Harry could be a Horcrux. Its all so interesting and makes my mind flood with all the possibilities. I want to solve the riddles, figure them out by placeing the pieces together one by one. This is how my mind always seems to work though. I love to see how things work, by doing one thing what may happen in return? I've learned about people. How far I can go with them, can I make them do what I want? Perhaps make them think their getting their way? I take delight in subconsiously gawding people into doing what I want. I suppose that's just being a women though? Manipulative little prat I am.
By the way, I love free ice cream and slushies. Teaching a 5 and 10 year old how to get what they want threw other people is a blast. I told them it wouldn't work on their parents though!! Haha they have about 10-7 more years before they can accomplish that. I know I'm still grasping the basics, however, I'm about to fall into the intermediate level on that one. Working my dad to get what I want is easy. Sometimes I just can't figure out how to make him budge though.
I've got 6 months till I'm 18 to figure it out. Then, if all goes well i'll be on my own, or with my man/boy, liveing in a cozy little home with my cats, his dog, and an amazing little career. Hello regency! Here I come.