my subconscious moonlights as a B-movie director

Dec 09, 2012 23:33

A while back I had this dream where there was this sort of dual effect, feeling myself in two places at once: an actor-me, taking part in the dream; and an observer-me, just watching and thinking. I only recall the tail end of the dream, but protagonist-me was trying to kill a gigantic venomous snake with my bare hands. The other, semi-disconnected part of my mind was doing nothing but think actor-me was being ridiculous. So protagonist-me was all "die, snake, die!" and observer-me was like "this is completely moronic. Shouldn't I be wearing protective gloves or something at least?" because the snake kept biting my unprotected arms.

Anyway I eventually was successful in killing the snake and was simultaneously reveling in my badassery as I was shaking my head at my DUMBassery. (While also being slightly impressed despite myself... I mean, it was a pretty huge snake "I" killed with my bare hands.) I took the snake corpse with me to the hospital in the hopes of developing an antivenom.

What the venom was going to do, I wasn't sure, so my dream sort of showed me... I saw myself looking into a mirror and OMG! I was turning into a snake. My face had converted into gigantic, crude scales, looking a bit like a mosaic of my face put together out of about a dozen pieces of broken crockery. I saw myself hesitantly touch my cheek in the mirror, and then the scales all broke apart into much much smaller and more refined scales, more legitimately snake-looking.

This was actually a pretty interesting visual effect (I wonder if my subconscious stole it from somewhere?), but I thought it was cool (if scary) for one moment and then it was like my brain completely mutinied on me. That's stupid! Venom cannot turn people into snakes! It makes no biological sense! I was so outraged by the nonsense of it all that I immediately woke up, the taste of indignance still sharp on my tongue.

It was frankly bizarre. I've done the "realize you're dreaming and then promptly wake up" bit before, but this was more like... MSTing my own dream as it was happening. I didn't quite realize I was dreaming so much as conclude the plot I was observing sucked. Which is a situation I kind of find hilarious on its own. I'm raging against the hack writing of my own subconscious...? Talk about being your own worst critic.


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