
Aug 21, 2012 20:55

So, uh...

Dad had been offered a job in Texas and then they didn't contact him in forever so he assumed it had fallen through. So I had been all set to get a job here and had in fact secured one with Apple, which I was kinda psyched about, and then the very day after I had my interview WHOOPS Texas called back. So the plan was to be moving and so I was told to cancel...


The AFTER doing that the plan changed AGAIN and my parents went down to Texas together with a bare minimum of stuff. It's a temporary contract so there's no point in moving everything until there's some guarantee my father will get hired on full-time (supposedly there are high odds this will happen, but still). So my folks left me and my brother some money and they're down there and we're up here alone.

So here we are in a three-bedroom apartment that's paid for and we basically have to do nothing (yet) except not choke on our own filth or something. Paul, contrary to expectation, hasn't been difficult at all. So I'd be nuts to complain about this situation... except, I don't feel independent or responsible or even like a particularly good person. They left us money and I don't spend it on anything except groceries.

Paul thinks the experiment is a success and so he wants me to get a job so we can get a place together since he collects SSI -- he doesn't collect quite enough by himself, but if I had income and he pooled his resources it would work. Neither of us want to leave Portland.

I need to see if I can get that job back. It'd be changing the plan on my parents, but I hardly think they'd mind.
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