Well, I, er.... passed, at least

May 15, 2011 01:16

I'm not really happy with the way this all went down.

I mean, I like this subject. And I was expecting it to be hard. I was prepared to grind. Given that I am reasonably intelligent (if we do indeed take that as a given), I don't think we can say there was some kind of serious problem on my side of the equation.

Yet I don't like whining over it either. Despite how justified I feel I am in my dissatisfaction with the professor, which was absolutely universal among the class, the attempts to go over the specifics sound like excuses just the same. Such as that he was both disorganized and impatient, meaning he'd explain things in a haphazard fashion, often doubling back on himself to go over steps in a sequence that he forgot, and would then sigh at people who stumbled over the same steps. But big deal. It still feels like, if I tried my absolute best I should have been able to get an A.

Well, I got a C. A low C.

I know there were at most exactly two people who managed to get a B, depending on their last grade, and no one who received an A. Quite a few Ds and probably a couple Fs, and more people like me in the C range. Oh yes, plus the 60% of the class that dropped. (That was our lab class, which went from about 20 to eight. His other class was down to four by semester's end. So the class portion went from 40 to 12.) I gave serious consideration to joining their ranks as I was on the border and a D was functionally the same as an F in terms of qualifying for the next Biology class, but I stuck to it in part because I did not want yet one more thing in my past I had not seen through to completion and in part because I ran it past the people who actually financed it and they advised me to see it through to "the perhaps bitter end."

(I wouldn't actually mind taking the class again, so long as it was with anyone else excepting perhaps Zombie Hitler or Jack Chick, but there wasn't much point to tanking my somewhat surprisingly decent GPA for no gain creditwise.)

I had expected to be relieved when I finally got my verdict in and got the best possible outcome I knew had been possible by that point, but after the initial rush I found myself experiencing that sense of totally impotent resentment, that this was the better outcome.

Blah blah and yes I know. I've eaten Cs and not cared. Usually I get that grade because I didn't care. Going off on a "I'm going to build a better me!" trip and getting a C in the subject I hope to major in bums me out.

(Jeez, this journal hasn't been a very cheery place lately. Sorry guys.)
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