weird dream (again)

Aug 10, 2007 17:34

Could there be anything more boring than reading about someone else's dreams? I'm doing this entry more for me, though.

It started off like I was watching some kind of family sitcom. The cheesy music playing. It looked kind of old, like from the late 70s/early 80s. But then the first scene was a miniature firebomb coming down on some partially secluded -- but inhabited -- part of town, and a station wagon containing a family pulled over on the street to investigate out of shock. I was watching this and thinking "wow! This is different for a sitcom!" but somebody with me had a TV guide and it wasn't a sitcom, I'm not sure what the intro was about, it might have been a farce for the evil corporation that served as the main antagonist, or it might have been to lull the viewers into thinking they were going to get something completely different than what they expected...

...or it might just have been that odd dream dissonance that happens all the goddamn time.

Anyway in the station wagon were a man, his wife, and his teenaged daughter. I'm not sure, I think her name was Miranda. No sooner had they pulled over than this menacing black limousine came up and started harassing them in a very frightening fashion, demanding answers like where they lived and what they were doing, and "you're in the wrong line of work, Mister." But then the police showed up and, with obvious reluctance, the menacing people withdrew. But apparently this got Miranda's attention. The family later started looking up info on this corporation that had been harassing them, thinking they had something to do with the explosion, but then they had an even more frightening encounter with a female exec from the company -- have you ever seen Angel? Know Eve? Kind of like that girl. She was saying about the man that had confronted them that, you don't want to cross him, you should do all you can to keep on his good side. And Miranda was all, "do you mean keep on his good side like flatter him, or just stay away from him?" And Eve smiled and it was CREEPY and MENACING and just repeated, "you don't want to get on his bad side." And Miranda smiled right back and said "got it." And took Eve's business card.

I mention Angel because for no goddamn good reason, Spike kept showing up periodically. Apparently he was friends with Miranda or something. Not romantic, just helping her. Weird.

So later on Miranda is apparently at this company going around to different employees and asking them an apparently innocuous question that had to do with showing off a piece of paper with a certain number on it. And some seemed baffled, and some didn't want anything to do with her, but she was taking it all in stride. But whatever she was trying to do it apparently tipped off the CEOs of Evil, Inc. and she wound up having to flee the building. In the process, she sustained an injury to her torso and sprained her ankle, making running difficult, but for the longest sequence after, running and hiding was all she could do as they kept coming after her, trying to kill her.

She got really far, but eventually she was captured. I forget what the name of this company was, but the screen was panning behind the truck that was apparently transporting her along the freeway at night and it went past the exit to levels 1-4 of the company and finally took the very ominous exit to level 5. I just got the CHILLS, watching that. I don't know WHAT this girl was doing, but she pissed them off BIG time.

Then, in the way of dreams, I was suddenly there, inside level 5, wandering around trying to find this girl. No one was reacting to me, but sometimes they could hear me, and I had a physical presence. It turned out I was invisible, as the doctor stationed there told me, but people with souls could see me. Thus, to most of Evil, Inc., I wasn't there. But when I got to the room Miranda was in, occupied by Eve, the doctor (who kept quiet about my presence) and some girl that kind of looked like Miranda but was a mite chubbier, MIRANDA could see me. But she seemed to know that she couldn't tip them off as to me being there, she just kept looking at me as she was strapped down. Eve called out the girl's name and she responded, but she wasn't talking to Miranda, she was talking to that other girl, who gave her name as Miranda, and showed off some kind of birthmark that apparently matched one on Miranda's own body, so they were going to try to pass of this impostor as the real thing. And then it came time for the examination.

I was freaking out. You can't torture her! But the doctor said that wasn't what he was about, he was just going to examine her.

But... that was the end. There was this horrible montage of the injury she'd sustained and the length of time that had passed, and apparently she was hurt too badly to ever recover. She was dying. And the sad music started playing. And I'm all, WTF?

But there was still more. I was later on the roof of this building and approached by some eclectic bunch of poetry writers and pot smokers. Apparently they had seen the firebomb incident too and hadn't said anything, but... I don't quite understand how this works... the poetry book this girl had had vanished, but come back to her through the company's garbage dumpster. And she took this as a positive sign, but I told her Miranda was dead. We agreed that something had to be done.

Then things got even loopier and the thing started coming back around again and again to the same scenes, where I'd try to change things, but no matter what I did, Miranda always died. The second time around, they spotted her right as she was leaving the building, and sent some kind of horrible swarm of stinging insects around her, only for a little while, but when they were done her eyes were gone and there was blood all around her mouth and they took her in -- to level 2, this time -- and she escaped in chains but just before she could reach the exit was shot and bled to death on the floor.

I woke up feeling really confused and depressed. I myself wound up dying a few times -- I could still die, and being splattered with water revealed me, and a few miscalculations at one time led to my death and the death of all my allies. Afterwards our spirits very cartoonishly were seen floating up to heaven and I was all, "well at least we're going to the right place!"


Weird. There was also this totally weird sequence with Evil, Inc. being like really proud of how evil they were, so when examining the bodies they'd have colorful little tags to indicate whether or not the person had been tortured or what was coming up for them, and they had totally grisly training videos that the employees loved -- like a guy being dumped from a huge height to fall onto a spiking tree, winding up impaled by it with some of his organs in the branches -- and when giving off assignments to newbies they had all these codewords about lying and there was a huge difference in between a kind of lying in which you repeated the same word over and over again and a kind where you tried to subliminally imprint the word in people's minds without saying it because if you DID say it, they'd spot how ridiculous it was. But the word itself was similar. Sc-something. I wish I could remember details like this. Mostly I just remember the total weirdness of being invisible-sort of. And the guy getting impaled. And Miranda after the insects were done with her, and fleeing but... oh. Man, that was really depressing.


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