Я опять занимаюсь безнадежным делом. Этический императив диктует (это у Канта был моральный, я же не философ :)). Потому вчера на торонтской пародии на нью-йоркскую Таймс-сквер - площади Дандас находился среди небольшой странной группы - две китаянки, двое индусов, негр и человек двадцать белых, в основном евреев, - информировавших прохожих об
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In general, you are a Canadian citizen if you were born in Canada. You are not a Canadian citizen if you were born in Canada and at the time of your birth, your parents were neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents, and at least one parent had diplomatic status in Canada.
In general, you cannot become a Canadian citizen if:
you are in prison, on parole or on probation;
in the past four years, you were in prison, on parole or on probation for a year or more;
you were convicted of an indictable offence or crime, or an offence under the Citizenship Act in the three years preceding your application;
you are under a removal order (instructed by Canadian officials to leave Canada);
you are under investigation for, are charged with, or you were convicted of a war crime or a crime against humanity;
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