Jul 06, 2009 12:20
it is strange
what honesty comes
out in the darkness
our words are high
unabashed cadences of
excitement spilling over
like cold water in
icy glasses
we are awake
we are beautifully
stupidly young
and have only
distance fuzzy porch-lights
and the moon as our witnesses
it is scary
what honesty comes out
in the darkness
the steady rhythm of his
finger brushing my knee
i can see the dark shadows
of his face turned upward
watching mine
his small shaking hands
brush my face
his whole body trembles
as i pull closer to the warmth
the sand sucks the heat from
my body
finally the five-fingered
starfish of his hand
finds peace on my thigh
making me nauseous
i count the waves
i count the stars
neither bring sleep closer
only drawing it close to shore
only to wash it back out
to sea
to the sky