California: Shell explodes and injures teacher

Apr 05, 2006 20:42

A teacher in Ventura who kept a 40-millimeter shell on his desk as a paperweight blew off part of his hand when he apparently used it to try to squash a bug, the authorities said. The five-inch-long shell exploded Monday while the teacher, Robert Colla, was instructing 20 to 25 students at an adult education class. Part of Mr. Colla's right handd was severed, and he suffered burns and shrapnel wounds, said Capt. Tom Weinell of the Fire Department. No one else was injured. Mr. Colla was reported in stable condition at a hospital. He found the round while hunting years ago and "obviously he didn't think the round was live," said Dennis Huston, who teaches computer design alongside Mr. Colla.

The New York Times
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
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