Dec 29, 2004 11:45
wow, a horoscope that i find educational and intersting. this is a first...
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Before the U.S. election a few
weeks ago, *What Is Enlightenment?* magazine posed the
following query to five religious leaders: "Many people argue that
the upcoming presidential election is the most important in our
lifetime. Do you agree?" Four respondents said, in effect, "Yes,
because Bush is bad for America and the world." But the fifth,
Zen Buddhist Jan Chozen Roshi, replied, "I don't know. Our
existence is so short, it's like a dust mote in the eye of God. To
say that the time in which my dust mote existed was the most
important is a self-centered view." Jan Chozen Roshi's wisdom
reminded me of an anecdote told by Henry Kissinger. Kissinger
once asked Chinese premier Zhou Enlai what he thought of the
French Revolution, which had happened two centuries earlier.
"Too soon to tell," Chou answered. Keep these stories in mind in
2005, Sagittarius. Think often of long-term processes. Focus on
the *very* big picture.