Wed, 19:09: Just 1/4 through @ bretmanrock's book, and I love how he described the first time he saw Hawaii from the plane. Also... "There is so much power in acceptance." Yes!
Thu, 05:33: Naalimpungatan ako last night and I got rattled by my phone ringing. Kaloka, and to think that it's always in full volume when I sleep so I don't sleep through the alarm. It was recruitment, telling me that they sent a contract for me to sign. 😅
Thu, 06:47: Last day at this company today! Woohoo!
Thu, 08:35: Last night, I was thinking how I would finish everything on my last day today before heading to the studio for practice. Also thinking about Friday as my 1st day at work. Looked at the contract, start date is on Monday. Kuya Gilbert messaged, saying he can't practice today. 😁