BORDERLANDSWell hell yes. This was one bad ass semi-linear game with free roaming aspect included. The graphics are straight out of comics, giving it a ragged feel but still coming out as a well drawn game. And by following this drawing style they save tons of room for uniqueness in graphics, (preventing that thing that we all know of, you know.. where the creators just use the same textures and areas over and over just changing the shade of color a little bit) and also saving room for the wicked weapon generation engine that this game brags highly of.
Now I'm not going to tear on the game just yet. It was very fun, and even though playing solo was ok, the Multi-player co-op style gaming, with on the fly joining means for a game that just keeps giving, throwing players against the odds, as well as each other in the arena's. A few glitches with resuming a game, such as one partner suddenly not having a quest done that, low and behold you and them just completed last night, which leaves you to wait while they go into single player, complete the mission and rejoin the quest for the vault with you. Not a big drawback, but one of few.
Now for the quest line. While its hard to tell which of the quests are specifically the main quest, there are tons of side quests to get that exp flowing and grow your levels pretty quickly. (by the end of play through 1, I had reached level 38.4 and the standard walkthroughs you find will tell you that you normally hit high 20's to low 30's. And I didn't even do some quests) The main story itself was pretty cool, no spoilers here, but man, the ending and second playthrough... worthless. It is the worst thing ever to start a second playthrough, with a character that's not level 1, and have to run through the entire training section again, all the exact same quests. Nothing in that playthrough even tells you you've done this before other than your bulging level at the beginning and the fact that the enemys have wickedly powerfull weapons right out the front gate. (The ending was horrible too)
Now the last thing to tear apart is that Awesome Semi-Infinite Weapon Generation Engine which (straight off their site), "Gun Lust: Choose from an arsenal of Hundreds of Thousands of weapons, each with their unique manufacturers, specifications, and advantages. A revolutionary content generation system produces almost infinite tools of destruction." Now having said that, and comparing it to the actual game, they are fairly close. But honestly having an engine that randomly generates stats into the Damage, Accuracy and Fire Rate based off manufacturer, 5 different slots of descriptions which hold the modifying attributes, clip size into the clip size section, 1 of 4 elements with levels 1 through 4 into the element slot, and to top it off, having the system name the gun with close accordance to its attributes, it seems stolen from a few other games I've played like that, who's names evade me at the moment. Overall the aspect of the system is bad ass. It works not only on weapons, but shields, artifacts, and other accessories. So all in all, very awesome system, but its Soooo random, it takes forever to get a good weapon, then as soon as you get it.. and spend all your hard earned cash.. you find one just a tad worse or a tad better lying on the ground. Well shit, that was a waste of 150k when this one I got off the dead bandit has 10x the damage, 3 higher elemental and the attributes are just what I was looking for in a gun!
I give it a Ninety-Two Percent. Still BadAss for Borderlands!