The rules:
1) Comment here, and I'll list five things I associate with you.
2) Post this header in your own journal, and elaborate on the five things I mention.
My words, courtesy of
What has affectionately been considered "my" animal, the wolf has become integrated into my Role Playing, when I can. The character I am most comfortable playing is an anthro wolf, named Tymber (tho, sometimes, her name switches to Arami). I find the traits associated with wolves & canines to be things I would like to embody & usually attempt to incorporate into my daily life, minus the whole killing my own food thing. That could be messy.
The place I was born, raised & still live. There are times I think this is the most wacked out city, and times I can't see ever NOT living here. I just wish there wasn't so much hullaballo over a freakin horserace.
This is something I don't work on near enough lately. I used to draw every day, now I'm lucky if I do anything in a month. Maybe once we get the house straightened up the way we want, I'll be able to do more... maybe.
This is something I was into ages ago (used to watch Hulk Hogan, Jake the Snake Roberts & the whole lot of them w/my brothers). Once The Rockers split, I stopped watching for a LONG time. I got back into it while hanging out w/my husband's former roommate & the husband, and it's snowballed from there. We've since met some wrestlers, been to a PPV (and got to take our chairs home) and have started a monthly get-to-gether w/friends for the PPVs. It's a fun bonding time to be had by all.
Now, isn't this a nice, vague topic... Movement in & of itself is good. Tho, right now, with my tendency towards klutzyness, it's a dangerous pasttime. I WILL find a way to trip over things that aren't there, or run into walls that don't exist. As for the movement of me out of this state...don't look for it any time soon... It's hard to beat a 3-bedroom, 1.5 bath hours for $300 in a great neighborhood...