This is a long anticipated sequel of epic proportions, taken from a
certain someone's earlier post , that I was always too damn lazy to finish. This one's for the Gipper!
"Why do I always let him talk me into these things?" Sujerron mused, as he hung by a thin rope from the side of Windurst's prized Heaven's Tower. As he dangled casually in the chilly night sky, he pondered the reasoning that had led him to hang uncertainly, 500-feet in either direction from the nearest flat, stable surface.
The plan had been relatively simple: As Hull provided an adequate distraction, Sujerron would use his more morally questionable trade skills to scale the side of the tower and break into the Star Sybil's private chambers from the only direction certain to be unguarded.
Unfortunately, that relatively simple plan involved climbing the side of Windurst's oldest, and coincidentally tallest, tower.
Below him, somewhere in the distant corners of Windurst's streets and alleys, he could hear the unmistakable sound of clattering metal and the shouts of suprised Taru guardsmen echo through the night. Apparently Hull's "distraction" was working. Quite a bit more effectively than Sujerron would have hoped.
"He always did overdo things," Sujerron grumbled, still annoyed that he had to do all the "hard work."
Shaking his head, Sujerron tightened his grip on the rope, and with a grunt, buried a climbing spike into the weather-softened rock, and resumed his climb.
"Mom always told me I should have been a Paladin," He complained. "You don't see any damn paladins climbing any damn towers. But noooo, I said. I need inner peace, I said. I want to be a monk, I said..."
As his climb continued, it became apparent to Sujerron that the sounds of confused scuffling was coming closer. Sure enough, after no more than 15 minutes, he could now see below him the faint glow of Windurstian lanterns.
"Did you see him?!" the voice of a panicked Taru guardsman floated up on the winds.
"He was like demon-wemon!" Shouted another guard. "I nearly crapped my armor-warmor!"
"I think he went this way!" Said a third.
"Then I say we should go that way!" Cried the first.
"Agreed!" Said the other two.
Sujerron shook his head and grumbled again. "Why does he get to do all the fun stuff?"
Approximately two hours later, Sujerron clawed his way, panting and gasping, onto the balcony that lead into the Star Sybil's private chambers. As he pushed aside the heavy velvet curtains, he breathed a sigh of relief to see that the information they had bought was correct-- the Star Sybil was, for whatever reason, not present in her chambers this evening. Taking a small flint out of his belt, he lit a single torch along the wall, and began to search the chambers for anything that happened to look valuable.
"Might as well make a couple of bucks while I'm here..." he mused.
Two necklaces, six rings, four bracelets, and eight brooches later, he left the room and entered the hallway leading towards the Holy Vault, in which all important legal documents were kept.
Here he found but one sleepy guard, whom obviously saw very little activity at the top of the most heavily guarded tower in the city. Carefully, Sujerron grabbed the small form off the ground, and quickly dragged it back into the Star Sybil's room. As the suprised figure began to kick and scream for help, Sujerron reeled back, and hurled the tiny body into an open closet. With a shriek, the little guard slammed into the back wall of the closet and dropped to the ground with an uncomfortable "splat."
"Heh, I knew I'd find a use for that!" Sujerron grinned, slamming shut the closet door and barricading it with a nearby dresser.
Now unhindered, he made his way casually down the hallway to the Vault, and produced a delicate set of lockpicking tools. "Time to go to work," he chuckled to himself, and within a matter of minutes, the locks popped open and the door yielded to his advances. Entering the dark, dusty vault, he squared his shoulders and began his search. Roughly 45 minutes later, his search returned futile, but he did manage to locate a number of deeds, permits and licenses that he decided to keep for further use.
Laughing to himself, he left the hallway and headed back towards the Sybil's room. "Man, the security in here is weak! Like taking candy from a--"
As he rounded the corner, he found himself confronted by the Sybil herself, as well as a whole legion of angry taru guards. "--baby?" He finished. "Uh...hi?"
"You there!" the Star Sybil yelled. "HALT! I demand you explain what you're doing in here!"
"Uh... heh heh... well, you see, it's a funny story really, I think you're gonna love this one, true story-- see what happened was, uh, well, sorrynotimetotalkIgottago!!!"
"Hey!" The Sybil screamed as Sujerron hurled himself blindly onto a nearby teleportation pad.